Possible cause
There is white
You are cooking fatty ingredients.
smoke coming from
the appliance.
The basket still contains fat residues
from a previous preparation.
Fresh fries do not
The type of potato is not suitable.
come out of the
appliance evenly
The fries have not been properly rinsed
prior to frying.
Fresh fries are not
The amount of oil and water in the fries
crispy when they
determines how crispy they can be.
come out of the
When fatty ingredients are being cooked in the
appliance, it is possible that a lot of fat drips in the
basket. This fat causes white smoke and the basket
can become hotter than normal. This does not have an
effect on the appliance or on the end result.
Clean the basket after every use. Fat residues that
become hot can cause white smoke.
Use fresh potatoes that are a little floury when cooked.
Properly rinse the cut fries to remove starch.
Dab the fries properly dry before adding oil.
Cut the fries more finely for a crispier result.
Add a little more oil for a crispier result.