User Preferences
Color Scheme
changes the background color of the map
based on the time of day.
selects a tan background for all navigation
regardless of the time of day.
selects a dark green background
regardless of the time of day.
Point of Interest
Selects the default scale for the map. Choices are:
1/32. 1/16/, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, and 4.
Although the N.I.C.E. P200 updates the scale icon
immediately, the new scale takes effect the next
time you enter navigation mode from the main
Chapter 8: Reference
Set Units
Miles: displays distances in miles.
Kilometers / meters: displays distances in metric
Miles / yards: displays distances in miles and
This option allows you to choose the language
(English, Spanish or French) to use for explanatory
text and driving directions.
Set Vehicle Position
Address/Intersection: moves the red arrow to a
kilometers and meters.
specific location defined by the address
that follows.