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If the above conditions are met, the rescue system is to be packed by following the instructions
in Section 16 (Packing the parachute) via steps 1 to 16.
The remaining steps of stowing the rescue system in the harness' specific deployment bag is
shown in the manual of the harness.
If the parachute is mounted to a harness or a front/outer container, you must check the
compatibility. This check is only allowed to be undertaken by authorized persons. The
compatibility check must be registered in the Repack and inspection log book. Ensure that the
connection length of the release handle to the deployment bag is minimized. You will note
different loops positioned around the deployment bag where the release handle can be
attached. You should always try to use the shortest possible connection to ensure that the
rescue parachute can be released and thrown as efficiently and effectively as possible, and
ensure that the release of the container is not blocked in any way, and that the clevis pins or
nylon rods work effectively. It is always a good suggestion to simulate the release process with
an approved repacker/instructor so that you understand the process). Always fully read your
harness manual.
18. Considerations for paragliders undertaking winch towing
When winch towing, please consider and fully read the instructions of the equipment, namely;
harness, paraglider, and towing release manufacturer. If using a front-container, you have to
ensure that the rescue parachute can be released in every situation.
19. Pre-flight check
In addition to a normal preflight check (see manual of the glider/harness or maybe towing
device), please check that the rescue container is closed correctly and the release handle is
placed correctly prior to every take-off. If the rescue parachute connection bridle is removed
after every flight (for example: when you use a front-container) you must check the correct
attachment of the bridle.