Sommaire des Matières pour MTD YardWorks 400 Serie
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P.O. Box 361131 Cleve land, Ohio 44136-0019. For US Cus tom ers: MTD LLC at P.O. Box 361131, Cleve land, Ohio 44136-0019 For Ca na dian Cus tom ers: MTD Prod ucts Lim ited, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J1 PRINTED IN U.S.A.
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IM POR TANT SAFE OP ER A TION PRAC TICES WARN ING: This sym bol points out im por tant safety in struc tions which, if not fol lowed, could en dan ger the per sonal safety and/or prop erty of your self and oth ers. Read and fol low all in struc tions in this man - ual be fore at tempt ing to op er ate this ma chine.
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Ex tin guish all cig a rettes, ci gars, pipes and other sources of ig ni - Slope Operation • tion. Slopes are a ma jor fac tor re lated to slip and fall ac ci dents Never fuel ma chine in doors be cause flam ma ble va pors will ac - •...
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SLOPE GAUGE (Keep this sheet in a safe place for fu ture ref er ence.) Use this page as a guide to de ter mine slopes where you may not op er ate safely. Do not op er ate your lawn mower on such slopes.
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SET-UP Carriage Bolt Lower This unit is shipped WITH OUT GAS O LINE or OIL. Handle Af ter as sem bly, ser vice en gine with gas o line and oil as in structed in the sep a rate en gine man ual packed with your unit.
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Rear Discharge Cable Tie Door Lower Pivot Handle Grass Catcher Fig ure 5 Hook Fig ure 7 Hinged Mulching Plug (optional) Hole in Plastic Channel Side Chute Deflector (optional) Plastic Channels Fig ure 6 Fig ure 8 Assembly of Grass Catcher NOTE: If your mower's grass catcher is as sem - WARN ING: Never op er ate the mower un less bled, pro ceed to the next sec tion.
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OPERATION Metal Before Starting Loop on Spark Ser vice the en gine with gas o line and oil as in structed Plug Wire in the sep a rate en gine man ual packed in your Rubber Boot mower. Read in struc tions care fully. WARNING: Never fill fuel tank in doors, with en - Fig ure 10 gine run ning or un til the en gine has been al -...
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It is rec om mended keep ing drive ways and side walks ENGINE - Fol low en gine man ual for lu bri ca tion in - • on the op er a tors right while mov ing. Con tinue mow - struc tions.
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ap proved fac tory re place ment blade only. Pos si ble Blade Adapter dam age re sult ing from blade un bal ance con di tion is not the re spon si bil ity of the man u fac turer. Blade Deck Blade Bell...
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TROU BLE SHOOTING PROB LEM POS SI BLE CAUSE(S) COR REC TIVE AC TION En gine fails to start 1. Blade con trol han dle dis en gaged. 1. En gage blade con trol han dle. 2. Spark plug wire dis con nected. 2.
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ZagTread Wheel Bar Tread Wheel Get user manuals: See
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PART N° DE N° DE RÉF PIÈCE DE SCRIP TION DE SCRIP TION 747-1161A Blade Con trol Han dle - Black Poignée de commande de la lame-noir 749-1092A Up per Han dle -Black Guidon supérieur-noir 747-04080 Catcher Lower Frame Sac à herbe - bâti inférieur 749-0928A Lower Han dle Guidon inférieur...
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The pro vi sions as set forth in this war ranty pro vide the sole and ex clu sive rem edy aris ing from the sale. MTD shall not be li a ble for in ci den tal or con se quen tial loss or dam age in clud ing, with out lim i ta tion, ex penses in curred for sub sti tute or re place ment lawn care ser vices or for rental ex penses to tem po rarily re place a war ranted prod uct.