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MTD YardWorks 400 Serie Manuel De L'opérateur page 14


The lim ited war ranty set forth be low is given by MTD LLC with re spect to new mer chan dise pur chased and used in the
United States and/or its ter ri to ries and pos ses sions, and by MTD Prod ucts Lim ited with re spect to new mer chan dise
pur chased and used in Can ada and/or its ter ri to ries and pos ses sions (ei ther en tity re spec tively, "MTD").
MTD war rants this prod uct (ex clud ing its nor mal wear parts as de scribed be low) against de fects in ma te rial and work -
man ship for a pe riod of two (2) years com menc ing on the date of orig i nal pur chase and will, at its op tion, re pair or re place, free of charge, any part
found to be de fec tive in ma te ri als or work man ship. This lim ited war ranty shall only ap ply if this prod uct has been op er ated and main tained in ac cor -
dance with the Op er a tor's Man ual fur nished with the prod uct, and has not been sub ject to mis use, abuse, com mer cial use, ne glect, ac ci dent,
im proper main te nance, al ter ation, van dal ism, theft, fire, wa ter, or dam age be cause of other peril or nat u ral di sas ter. Dam age re sult ing from the in stal -
la tion or use of any part, ac ces sory or at tach ment not ap proved by MTD for use with the prod uct(s) cov ered by this man ual will void your war ranty as
to any re sult ing dam age.
Nor mal wear parts are war ranted to be free from de fects in ma te rial and work man ship for a pe riod of thirty (30) days from the date of pur chase. Nor -
mal wear parts in clude, but are not lim ited to items such as: bat ter ies, belts, blades, blade adapt ers, grass bags, rider deck wheels, seats, snow
thrower skid shoes, fric tion wheels, shave plates, au ger spi ral rub ber and tires.
HOW TO OB TAIN SER VICE: War ranty ser vice is avail able, WITH PROOF OF PUR CHASE, through your lo cal au tho rized ser vice dealer. To lo cate the
dealer in your area;
In the U.S.A.:
Check your Yel low Pages, or con tact MTD LLC at P.O. Box 361131, Cleve land, Ohio 44136-0019, or call 1-800-800-7310 or 1-330-220-4683 or log
on to our Web site at www.mtdproducts.com.
In Can ada:
Con tact MTD Prod ucts Lim ited, Kitchener, ON N2G 4J1, or call 1-800-668-1238 or log on to our Web site at www.mtdcanada.com.
This lim ited war ranty does not pro vide cov er age in the fol low ing cases:
a. The en gine or com po nent parts thereof. These items may carry a sep a rate man u fac turer's war ranty. Re fer to ap pli ca ble man u fac turer's war -
ranty for terms and con di tions.
b. Log split ter pumps, valves, and cyl in ders have a sep a rate one-year war ranty.
c. Rou tine main te nance items such as lu bri cants, fil ters, blade sharp en ing, tune-ups, brake ad just ments, clutch ad just ments, deck ad just ments,
and nor mal de te ri o ra tion of the ex te rior fin ish due to use or ex po sure.
d. Ser vice com pleted by some one other than an au tho rized ser vice dealer.
e. MTD does not ex tend any war ranty for prod ucts sold or ex ported out side of the United States and/or Can ada, and their re spec tive pos ses sions
and ter ri to ries, ex cept those sold through MTD's au tho rized chan nels of ex port dis tri bu tion.
f. Re place ment parts that are not gen u ine MTD parts.
g. Trans por ta tion charges and ser vice calls.
h. If Prod ucts are used com mer cially. (MTD may sep a rately of fer Lim ited Com mer cial War ran ties on cer tain se lect prod ucts. Ask your dealer or
re tailer for de tails or con tact MTD Ser vice for more in for ma tion.)
No im plied war ranty, in clud ing any im plied war ranty of mer chant abil ity of fit ness for a par tic u lar pur pose, ap plies af ter the ap pli ca ble pe riod of
ex press writ ten war ranty above as to the parts as iden ti fied. No other ex press war ranty, whether writ ten or oral, ex cept as men tioned above,
given by any per son or en tity, in clud ing a dealer or re tailer, with re spect to any prod uct, shall bind MTD. Dur ing the pe riod of the war ranty, the
ex clu sive rem edy is re pair or re place ment of the prod uct as set forth above.
The pro vi sions as set forth in this war ranty pro vide the sole and ex clu sive rem edy aris ing from the sale. MTD shall not be li a ble for in ci den tal
or con se quen tial loss or dam age in clud ing, with out lim i ta tion, ex penses in curred for sub sti tute or re place ment lawn care ser vices or for rental
ex penses to tem po rarily re place a war ranted prod uct.
Some ju ris dic tions do not al low the ex clu sion or lim i ta tion of in ci den tal or con se quen tial dam ages, or lim i ta tions on how long an im plied war ranty
lasts, so the above ex clu sions or lim i ta tions may not ap ply to you.
In no event shall re cov ery of any kind be greater than the amount of the pur chase price of the prod uct sold. Al ter ation of safety fea tures of the prod -
uct shall void this war ranty. You as sume the risk and li a bil ity for loss, dam age, or in jury to you and your prop erty and/or to oth ers and their prop erty
aris ing out of the mis use or in abil ity to use the prod uct.
This lim ited war ranty shall not ex tend to any one other than the orig i nal pur chaser or to the per son for whom it was pur chased as a gift.
HOW LO CAL LAWS RE LATE TO THIS WAR RANTY: This lim ited war ranty gives you spe cific le gal rights, and you may also have other rights that
vary in dif fer ent ju ris dic tions.
IM POR TANT: Owner must pres ent Orig i nal Proof of Pur chase to ob tain war ranty cov er age.
Get user manuals:
See SafeManuals.com
MTD LLC, P.O. BOX 361131 CLEVE LAND, OHIO 44136-0019; Phone: 1-800-800-7310, 1-330-220-4683
MTD Prod ucts Ltd., P. O. BOX 1386, KITCHENER, ON N2G 4J1; Phone: 1-800-668-1238

