Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does it need additional drivers to run SOHOTANK ST5610 in different operating systems?
A: No. Users do not need any additional driver to run SOHOTANK ST5610 in different
operating systems. As long as the OS supports the 1394 interface, STARDOM systems
are compatible with a variety of operating systems, e.g. Window XP, Linux, and
Macintosh, etc..
Q: Is SOHOTANK ST5610 compatible with any hard disk drive?
A: The product has no problem with hard disk drive compatibility. STARDOM provides the
SATA I / II interface, which is a cost-efficient system with high performance. Please feel
free to contact us for any hard disk drive compatibility problem.
Q: What can I do if I turn on my PC, but the system BIOS cannot detect the hard disk drive?
A: 1. Typically the system BIOS fails to detect the hard disk drive because of improper
connection. To solve this problem, you can try the following procedure: (1) Power off the
system. (2) Turn off the PC. (3) Make sure the cables are connected properly. (4)
Restart SOHOTANK ST5610. (5) Repeat Step (1) to Step (4) for three times. Please
wait at least 5 minutes between each attempt. If the system BIOS still fails to detect the
hard disk drive, make sure the installation and connection procedures are compliant
with regulations described in the manual.
2. If the hard disk drive cannot still be detected, please contact us via phone or contact
our technical support directly through the RMA system.
Q: Why can't I use the storage device in the operating system, even the system BIOS has
detected the hard disk drive?
A: 1. Please refer to the Hardware Installation Procedure & Hard Disk Drive Format
Procedure in the Quick Installation Guide and make sure the storage devices have
been installed successfully.
2. New hard disk drives can only be displayed in the system after disk partition and format.
Q: What should I do when the Fail LED indicator lights on?
A: Determine if the fan fails, the system is over heated, or the HD is malfunctioned, as soon
as the Fail LED indicator lights on.
1. In case of malfunctioned fan, please check if the fan is jammed with dust. Should any of
the situations occur, please shut down the system and clean the fan up or remove the
wires that trap the fan. Then restart the system again. If the problem still occurs or for
any reason that you are unable to fix the problem on your own, please send it back for
2. In case that the internal temperature has raised over 60°C, please shut down the
system, let it cool down and then restart it. If the problem still occurs, please send it
back for maintenance
Frequently Asked Questions