How do I clean my speakers?
Use a dust free cloth or a soft brush to remove the dust from
your speakers. We also recommend a specialty cloth (avail-
able at the Xtatic shop at www.martinlogan.com) that cleans
your speakers better than anything else we have tried. For
the wood surfaces it is acceptable to slightly dampen the
cloth. Do not spray any kind of cleaning agent on or in
close proximity to the electrostatic element. Avoid the
use of ammonia based products or silicone oil on the
wood parts.
What is the advantage of ESL?
Since the diaphragm is uniformly driven over its entire sur-
face—unlike a tweeter that is only driven at its edges— it is
the only technology that can be made large enough to play
bass, yet is still light enough for high frequencies. This unique
property allows for the elimination of high frequency cross-
over points and their associated distortions.
What size amplifier should I use?
We recommend an amplifier with 20 to 400 watts per chan-
nel for most applications. Probably less would be adequate
for our smaller hybrids or when used in home theater where
a subwoofer is employed. Our hybrid designs will per-
form well with either a tube or transistorized amplifier, and
will reveal the sonic character of either type. However, it is
important that the amplifier be stable operating into varying
impedance loads: an ideally stable amplifier will typically be
able to deliver nearly twice its rated wattage into 4 Ohms
and should again increase into 2 Ohms.
Could you suggest a list of suitable electronics and cables
that would be ideal for MartinLogan speakers?
The area of electronics and cable choice is probably the
most common type of question that we receive. It is also
the most subjective. We have repeatedly found that brands
that work well in one setup will drive someone else nuts in
another. We use many brands with great success. Again,
we have no favorites; we use electronics and cables quite
interchangeably. We would suggest listening to a number
of brands—and above all else— trust your ears. Dealers are
always the best source for information when purchasing
additional audio equipment.
Is there likely to be any interaction between my speakers
and the television in my Audio/Video system?
Actually, there is less interaction between a television and
an electrostatic speaker than between a television and a
conventional system. However, we do recommend that you
keep your speakers at least one foot away from the television
because of the dynamic woofer they employ. In the case of
32 Frequently Asked Questions
our center channel speakers, however, they are fully shielded
and can go anywhere.
Will my electric bill go 'sky high' by leaving my speakers
plugged in all the time?
No. A pair of MartinLogan's will draw about 8 watts maxi-
mum (idle). There is circuitry to turn off the static charge
when not in use; however, actual consumption will remain
close to the same. The primary purpose of the sensing circuit-
ry is to prevent dust collection on the electrostatic element.
If the diaphragm is punctured with a pencil or similar item,
how extensive would the damage to the speaker be?
Our research department has literally punctured hundreds
of holes in a diaphragm, neither affecting the quality of the
sound nor causing the diaphragm to rip. However, you will
be able to see the actual puncture and it can be a physical
nuisance. If this is the case, replacing the electrostatic trans-
ducer will be the only solution.
Will exposure to sunlight affect the life or performance of my
We recommend that you not place any loudspeaker in direct
sunlight. The ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can cause
deterioration of grill cloth, speaker cones, etc. Small expo-
sures to UV will not cause a problem. In general, the filtering
of UV rays through glass will greatly reduce the negative
effects on the electrostatic membrane itself.
Will excessive smoke or dust cause any problems with my
electrostatic speakers?
Exposure to excessive contaminants such as smoke
or dust may potentially affect the performance of the
electrostatic membrane, and may cause discoloration
of the diaphragm membrane. When not in use for extended
periods, you should unplug the speakers and cover them
with the plastic bags in which the speakers were originally
packed. It is a good idea to vacuum the electrostatic portion
of each speaker three or four times a year. See the vacuum-
ing FAQ.
A problem has recently developed with my MartinLogan
speakers. The right speaker seems to be hissing even when
the amplifier and such are not connected. I was wondering
if this sounds like any problem you have encountered previ-
ously and have a simple solution for or might it be something
which will need to be looked into more carefully.
Your speakers are dusty. See the vacuuming FAQ. The elec-
trostatic charge on the element has attracted airborne dust or
pollen. Since 1993, all of our speakers have been built with a
charging circuit board that only charges the electrostatic ele-