Intimidator™ Barrel LED 300 QRG
DMX Values
Channel Function
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064 071 Gobo 7 shake, from slow to fast
072 079 Gobo 6 shake, from slow to fast
Gobo Wheel
080 087 Gobo 5 shake, from slow to fast
088 095 Gobo 4 shake, from slow to fast
096 103 Gobo 3 shake, from slow to fast
104 111 Gobo 2 shake, from slow to fast
112 119 Gobo 1 shake, from slow to fast
120 127 Open
128 191 Cycle effect with increasing speed
192 255 Reverse cycle effect with increasing speed
000 015 Indexing
016 127 Rotation effect with increasing speed
Gobo Rotation
128 239 Reverse rotation effect with increasing speed
240 255 Gobo bounce
000 003 Open
004 255 Prism on
000 255 0~100%
000 007 No function
008 015 Blackout while pan/tilt moving
016 023 Disable blackout while pan/tilt moving
024 031 Blackout while moving color wheel
032 039 Disable blackout while moving color wheel
040 047 Blackout while moving gobo wheel
048 055 Disable blackout while moving gobo wheel
056 087 No function
088 095 Disable blackout while moving all options
Control Functions
096 103 Reset pan/tilt
104 111 No function
112 119 Reset color wheel
120 127 Reset gobo wheel
128 135 No function
136 143 Reset prism
144 151 Reset focus
152 159 Reset all
160 255 No function
000 007 No function
008 135 Movement macros 1-8
Movement Macro
136 255 Sound-Active programs 1-8
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