To select the measurement unit for the barometer:
1. Press the [ BARO ] button to enter unit setting mode.
2. Use the [ BARO ] button to change the unit between inHg (inches of mercury) / mmHg (millimeter of
mercury) (millibars per hectopascal) /hPa.
3. Press [ BARO ] button to confirm.
To select the rainfall display mode:
The device displays how many mm / inches of rain are accumulated in a one hour time period, based on
current rainfall rate.
Press [ RAINFALL ] button to toggle between:
Current rainfall rate in past an hour
The DAILY display indicate the total rainfall from midnight
The WEEKLY display indicate the total rainfall from the current week
• MONTHLY The MONTHLY display indicate the total rainfall from the current calendar month
Rainfall rate
Note: Rain rate is updated every 6 minutes, at every hour on the hour, and at 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48,
54 minute past the hour.
To select the measurement unit for the rainfall:
1. Press and hold [ RAINFALL ] button 2 seconds to enter unit setting mode.
2. Use [ UP ] / [ DOWN ] button to toggle between mm (millimeter) and in (inch).
3. Press [ RAINFALL ] button to confirm and exit.
To read the wind direction:
Wind Direction
To select the wind display mode:
Press [ WIND ] button to toggle between:
• AVERAGE The AVERAGE wind speed will display the average of all wind speed numbers recorded in
the previous 30 seconds
The GUST wind speed will display the highest wind speed recorded from last reading
The wind level provides a quick reference on the wind condition and is indicated by a series of text icons:
Daily rainfall
Weekly rainfall
Monthly rainfall