Glossary of T
Glossary of T
Amp (Ampere): The amount of electricity or current flowing through a wire,
Setup Procedures
similar to the flow of water through a pipe.
Back feed: A condition where electricity is being generated from a source
Status Lights
outside the utility power grid and is feeding/traveling back into the power lines.
Breaker Panel: The main circuit breaker panel (or fuse box) is where all the
Audible Alarm
circuits/fuses connect to the incoming electrical supply line from the utility.
Breakers: See Circuit Breaker
Capacity: The amount of power, expressed in watts, kilowatts or megawatts,
that a device can provide at any given instant.
The GenerLok™ Power Cord
The maximum load of electricity that equipment can carry.
Selecting a Portable Generator
Circuit: A continuous loop of current.
Circuit Breaker: The most common type of "overcurrent protection." A
resettable switch that trips when a circuit becomes overloaded or shorts out.
Appliance Usage Guide
Connection Cord: An electrical receptacle and plug wired to a length of
flexible electrical cord.
Sample Worksheets and Instructions
Continuous Output: The amount of power produced continuously as opposed
to the maximum output, which can only be produced for short periods of time.
Technical Fact Sheets
Current: The rate at which electricity flows, measured in amperes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Electric Panel: See Breaker Panel
Fuses: Removable devices that link a circuit at the fuse box. A non-resettable
overcurrent device.
Troubleshooting Tips
Generator: A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Glossary of Terms
GenerLink™: A five-inch collar-like device installed behind your electric
meter, which allows you to easily and safely connect a portable generator to
your home's existing wiring system.
GenerLok™: GenerLok™ is a unique fitted locking connector, exclusively
available for GenerLink™.
All manuals and user guides at
Start-Up Procedures
Setup Procedures
Setup Procedures
Hardwire: Process of wiring electric appliances directly into the electric power
Carefully read all the instructions before using GenerLink™.
Indicator Lights See Status Lights
The best time to prepare for a power outage is before there is an actual
interruption of utility-supplied power. The following are suggested steps to
Load Watts: See Start-up Wattage
prepare for an actual power outage using your portable generator and
Loads: A source drives a load. An appliance, component or other device that
requires current to operate.
Determine which appliances are on each circuit breaker.
Note: circuit breakers may control more than one appliance. We
Meter: Any electrical or electronic device used to measure the amount of
recommend you affix labels to each circuit breaker listing its appliances.
electricity consumed.
Familiarize yourself with the typical power requirements of the
NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers Association. A standard which
appliances you expect to use during an outage, always taking into
specifies the electrical connectors used on plug-in equipment.
consideration the capacity of your generator. See Sample Worksheets
located in this manual.
Overload: A condition that occurs when the load is greater than the
system/device is designed to handle.
Verify that the green status light on the GenerLink™ unit is
illuminated. This light is located on the collar behind the connection
Power Cord: See Connection Cord
cord below your electric meter. (See Diagram 1). The yellow status
light may also be illuminated, this is a normal condition.
Power Outage: A temporary loss of electric power or temporary disconnection
from the electric utility.
Running Wattage: The amount of energy necessary to continue running an
appliance once it has started.
Status Lights: GenerLink™ status lights are designed to display power condi-
tions with the GenerLink unit, the utility and the portable generator.
Start-up Wattage: The amount of energy needed to first start an appliance. This
amount is usually larger than the running wattage for appliances with motors
(refrigerator). It is usually the same for appliances without motors (lights).
Sub Panel: Device used in connection with a transfer switch designed to bypass
Verify that the GenerLink™ unit is not emitting a constant audible
a breaker panel and limits the amount of load or number of appliances that can
alarm. This can only occur with units equipped with optional surge
be placed on a generator.
protection (Model #MA23/24-S). (See Audible Alarm section in this
Surge: A power disturbance known also as a transient voltage.
A brief but extreme burst of energy.
Surge Protection: Any device designed to limit or eliminate transient voltages
from entering power, signal, telephone or data lines.
Diagram 1
Status Lights