STEP 9. If the generator's circuit breaker trips off during operation or setup, turn
Surge Protection Specifications and Technical Information
off all circuit breakers in the breaker panel, reset the circuit breaker on the
generator, and restart the generator if necessary. Select and reconnect loads
Nominal Line Voltage:
following the procedures summarized in Step 7.
Max Cont. Operating Voltage:
Operating Frequency:
STEP 10. To determine when utility power has been restored, check the green
Total Surge Current:
status light (see Status Lights section in this manual). If the green light is
Max Surge Current Per Mode:
illuminated, utility power is present and you can reconnect to the utility.
To reconnect to your electric utility:
Circuit Type:
Storage Temperature:
A. Turn off your generator. Expect to hear a 'clicking' sound from the
Operating Temperature:
GenerLink™ unit when the power transition occurs. This is a simple
Operating Altitude:
verification that normal utility service has been restored.
B. On your breaker panel, set all circuit breakers to the 'on' position.
C. You can now unplug the generator from GenerLink™. To unplug
Category A3 200A
GenerLink™, gently pull down on the metal locking ring at the top of the
Category B3 500A
GenerLok™ connector. (See Diagram 5) Store your power cord in a safe
Category C1 3,000A
and dry location.
EMI/RFI noise rejection:
Diagram 5
All manuals and user guides at
60 Hz
100,000 A
50,000 A
L1 - G
50,000 A
L2 - G
Parallel High Energy
-40° to +160° F (-40° to +70° C)
-40v to +140° F (-40° to +60° C)
Sea Level to 12,000 feet
(3,658 Meters)
600 V
660 V
690 V
Up to -20dB
Locking Ring
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
The GenerLok™ Power Cord
The GenerLok™ Power Cord
Q. Do I need a generator in order to use GenerLink™?
To connect your portable generator to GenerLink™ a GenerLok™ power cord
A. Yes. GenerLink™ is an interconnection device that enables you to connect
is required. The GenerLok™ power cord consists of three components:
your portable generator directly to your home's wiring system. During a
power outage, your generator becomes your source of emergency back-up
A. GenerLok™ connector
power. GenerLink™ is designed as an alternative to expensive transfer
B. connector for your generator
switches and hazardous extension cords.
C. 8 or 10 gauge power cord (4 wire)
Q. How is GenerLink™ different from a transfer switch?
The GenerLok™ Connector:
A. GenerLink™ offers several advantages over traditional transfer switches:
GenerLink™ is equipped with GenerLok™,
GenerLink™ is installed outside your home at the electric meter in less
a unique connector that allows for quick and
than 30 minutes. And, in most cases, you do not need to be at home for
easy connection to your portable generator.
the GenerLink™ installation. Installation of a transfer switch can take
GenerLok™ locks in place when connected
about two to three hours and requires re-wiring your home's electric system.
to GenerLink™. GenerLok™ is not a
threaded connector. Therefore, twisting of
With GenerLink™, you have the flexibility of selecting the appliances you
the locking sleeve is not necessary to ensure
want to run from your home's breaker panel, up to the capacity of your
a tight connection. NOTE: GenerLok™
generator. Most basic transfer switches have 6 to 8 hard-wired circuits. This
will always be fitted on one end of the power
limits the number of circuits you can connect to the transfer switch.
Since GenerLink™ uses your existing breaker panel, you can run any large
The Generator Connector:
120 or 240-volt appliance up to your generator's capacity. Your well pump,
GenerLink™ is connected to the generator's 120/240-volt AC receptacle using
water heater, sump pump, electric range, clothes dryer and electric
a GenerLok™ power cord with the appropriate generator connection.
baseboard heat are just some of the appliances that can be run on a
Generators have different types of receptacles depending on the type of genera-
rotation basis with GenerLink™. Many transfer switches and sub panels
tor, the type of power provided, and the size of the generator. Some generators
have only one or two 240-volt circuits rated at 15 or 20-amps. Heavier
are rated for only 120-volt or only 240-volt output; neither are appropriate for
loads, such as hot water heaters and electric ranges, may not be
powering your home through GenerLink™. If your generator does not have
accommodated by these transfer switches and sub panels.
a 120/240-volt AC receptacle, it is not suitable for use with
GenerLink™. Check your generator for one of the receptacles in Diagram 6.
Q. Is there any potential for damage to my appliances?
These receptacles are rated for 120/240-volt output, which is what you need to
A. GenerLink™ is designed to function as an interconnection device and
run your home. If your generator does not have one of these receptacles, it
serves to connect your generator to your home. There is no risk of damage
should not be used with GenerLink™. Your GenerLok™ power cord will be
to your appliances created by the GenerLink™ device. You should exercise
fitted with a male plug compatible with one of the following generator
care when selecting your generator to ensure you are buying a high quality
Diagram 6
Q. I want surge protection for my home and appliances, can I still use
A. Yes, GenerLink™ is now available with an optional feature – surge
protection. GenerLink™ with surge protection will protect your home and
wired appliances from surges over 600 volts.