Programme du mitigeur pour la salle de bain (16 pages)
Sommaire des Matières pour Gessi FASCINO 48155
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BATH MIXING PROGRAM PROGRAMME DU MITIGEUR POUR LA SALLE DE BAIN PROGRAMA MEZCLADORES BAÑO Art. 48155 Gessi SpA - Parco Gessi 13037 Serravalle Sesia (Vercelli) - Italy Phone +39 0163 454111 - Facsimile +39 0163 459273 -
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MUST NEVER BE EXCEEDED, as it may damage and/or cause ruptures and/or leakages and/or even break the product, and present a potential hazard and danger to safety, health and/or property. Following are the technical data with respect to the installation of Gessi plumbing products. ► W orkingpressureshouldnotbelowerthan0,5bar(7,25psi)andnotbehigherthan5bar(72Psi).In case of higher working pressure use a pressure reducer valve.
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Ci-dessous nous indiquons les données techniques concernant l’installation des produits sanitaires Gessi. ► L apressiondeservicenedoitpasêtreinférieureà0,5bar(7,25psi)etsupérieureà5bar(72Psi).En cas de pressions de service plus hautes utiliser une soupape de réduction de la pression.
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1 - ¡CUIDADO!! LES ROGAMOS QUE TENGAN EN CUENTA QUE NUNCA la presión y/o la temperatura máximaaconsejadaNOTIENEQUESERSUPERADA,yaquepodríadañary/ocausarrupturasy/o pérdidasy/oaveríasdelproductoy,porlotanto,representarunriesgoyunpeligropotencialpara la seguridad, la saludad y/o la propiedad. A continuación Les proporcionamos los datos técnicos relativosalainstalacióndelosproductosdegriferíaGessi. ► L apresióndeejercicionotienequeserinferiora0,5bar(7,25psi)ysuperiora5bar(72Psi).Encaso depresionesdeejerciciomayores,utilicenunaválvuladereduccióndelapresión. ►Presiónmáximadeensayodurantelainstalación:8bar(116psi). ► E vitengrandesdiferenciasdepresiónentrelaalimentacióndelaguafríayaquelladelaguacaliente. Lasdiferenciasdepresión,elaguaconunalatocontenidomineralylassustanciasjabonosaspueden...
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Before installation and setting to work Attention! The feeding pipes have to be rinsed thoroughly before the installation of the mixer, so that no shavings, welding or hemp residual or other dirt can be found in the pipes. Foreign bodies can enter the mixer through the rinsed pipes or the general water plant and could damage the washers/ring washers.
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES Package content: A - Shower head B - Fastening set C - Spacer ring D - Threaded connection for shower head E - Shower head cover Contenu de l’emballage: A - Pomme B - Set de fixage C - Bague entretoise D - Raccord fileté...
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PRE-INSTALLATION INFORMATION - PRÉALABLES - PRELIMINARES 6'10-11/16"÷7'2-5/8" 5'2-1"[1600mm] [2100÷2200mm] 6'10-11/16"÷7'2-5/8" 5'6-15/16"[1700mm] [2100÷2200mm] H1+1-3/4"[45mm] 7'2-5/8"÷7'6-9/16" 5'10-7/8"[1800mm] [2200÷2300mm] 7'6-9/16"÷7'10-1/2" 6'2-13/16"[1900mm] [2300÷2400mm] H = Customer height - Hauteur client - Altura cliente H1= R ecommendedheight-Hauteurconseillée-Alturaaconsejada H2= W aterinletheight-Hauteurpriseeau-Alturatomadeagua Tiled surface Surface carrelée Superficie con baldosas...
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN INSTALLATION (continues...) Fig. 3 - Check with the help of a spirit level, proper alignment of the shower head with the floor. Fig. 4 - Mark, at the center of the loops, the points where wall mount holes should be made. Fig.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN INSTALLATION (continues...) Fig. 6 - DrillforwallfasteninginthepointspreviouslymarkedwithabitØ8mmfortheindicateddepths. Fig. 7 - Insert plugs in the holes made on the wall after cleaning them from any dust residues. Fig. 8 - Tighten the support screws for the shower head. Fig.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN INSTALLATION (continues...) Fig. 10-11 - Fasten the shower head with the fastening nuts supplied, checking the proper alignment of the shower head with respect to the floor. INSTALLATION (continue...) Fig. 10-11 - Fixer la pomme de douche avec les écrous de fixation fournis, en vérifiant l'alignement correct de la pomme de douche par rapport au plancher.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN INSTALLATION (continues...) Fig. 12-13-14-15 - If the shower head is not aligned with the floor, but tends to be inclines downwards, an internaladjustmentcanbemadetosolvethisinstallationfault. LOOSEN the wall fastening of the shower head. Shift the grub screws to increase the incidence of the shower head upwards.
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INSTALLATION - INSTALLATION - INSTALACIÓN Fig. 16 INSTALLATION (continues...) Fig. 16 - Insert by pressing the finish cover of the head. INSTALLATION (continue...) Fig. 16 - Insérer en pressant la couverture de finition de la pomme. INSTALACIÓN (continúa...) Fig. 16 - Introduzcan por presión la cobertura de acabado del rociador.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN Cleaning and Maintenance of Stainless Steel surfaces Mortar and cement splashes can be treated with a solution containing a small amount of phosphoric acid. Rinsewithwater(preferablydeionisedwater)anddry.Deionisedwaterreducestheriskofwaterstaining marks. Proprietary products are available from specialists finishing companies. Never allow mortar removers or diluted hydrochloric acid to be used on stainless steel.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN - U neautresolutionconsisteàemployerunnettoyantpourinoxcontenantdel’acidephosphorique,puis àrinceràl’eaudéminéraliséeetàsécher.Ilestconseillédetraiterdecettefaçontoutelasurfacedu composant afin de lui conserver un aspect parfaitement uniforme. -Parmilesnettoyantsànepasutilisersurdel’acierinoxydablefigurent: •lesnettoyantsàbasedechlore,notammentl’acidechlorhydrique, • l esproduitsdeblanchimentcontenantdel’eaudejavel(encasd’utilisationparerreuroudedéversement accidentelsurdessurfacesenacierinoxydable,rincerabondammentàl’eauclaire), •lesproduitsdenettoyagepourl’argenterie. Un torchon humide ou une peau de chamois conviendra habituellement pour enlever les salissures normales, les traces de doigts, etc. Pour des saletés plus tenaces, des éponges donnent généralement debonsrésultats.Lestamponsmétalliquesordinaires(lained’acier)oulesbrossesmétalliquesenacier sont prohibés.
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MAINTENANCE - ENTRETIEN - MANUTENCIÓN superficiesemoja. Se pueden utilizar cepillos de nylon suave para limpiar los aceros inoxidables con acabados de motivos. No se deben utilizar cepillos de acero no inoxidable. Enacabadoscon“grano”direccionalladireccióndelostrazosdelimpiezadebeserenelsentidodel grano y no en el sentido contrario. Cuandoutiliceaguaparalimpiaroaclarar,sequelasuperficieparaprevenirmarcasdeagua;estoes especialmenteaconsejableenzonasdondeelaguaesdura.Elusodeaguadesionizadaprevendrála formación de manchas de agua dura.