Polling mode
This is the easiest way to acquire a single A/D data. The A/D converter starts
converting one reading whenever the dedicated SCPI command is executed. This
mode is well suited in applications that needs to process A/D data in real time. In
this mode, the timing of the A/D conversion is fully controlled by the software.
However, it is difficult to control the A/D conversion rate.
In polling mode, the properties of the measured signal should be defined. The
properties are range, polarity (unipolar/bipolar) and signal type. Signal type
consists of RSE, NRSE and DIFF.
The default polarity is bipolar. The SCPI command for performing the polling
mode measurement is under MEASure subsystem.
For more information on MEASure subsystem, refer to the Keysight U2300A
Series Multifunction USB Data Acquisition Programming Guide.
Continuous mode
Continuous mode is divided into two types, single-shot and continuous
acquisition. In single-shot acquisition, the data is acquired at a specified sample
points and processed once. On the other hand, the continuous acquisition allows
you to acquire data continuously until a STOP command is sent. The SCPI
commands below are used to start the acquisition process:
– Single-shot acquisition:
– Continuous acquisition:
In continuous mode, there are two parameters that need to be specified:
Keysight U2300A Series User's Guide
Features and Functions