General Instructions
Installa on: B-0805/B-0806 Series
1. Turn off water supply and drain lines. Flush lines thoroughly of debris.
2. Drill a 1" diameter hole through sink or countertop in desired loca on.
3. Remove no.11, no.10 and no.9 from no.8. Place no.8 through opening in sink.
4. Replace no.9, no.10 and no.11 onto no.8 and ghten against bo om of sink.
Hold no.8 fl at against sink while ghtening no.10.
5. Connect water supply to no.11 and check for leaks.
Note: Flow is adjustable from instantaneous shut-off to extended fl ow by
external adjustment:
Note: Each metering cartridge is preset for approximately 10 seconds at the
factory. They may be reset at installa on. If water pressure varies, the cycle me
will also vary.
Note: See installa on instruc on 098-014733-45 for cartridge adjustment.
Installa on: B-0807/B-0808 Series
1. Turn off water supply and drain lines. Flush lines
thoroughly of debris.
2. Drill a 1" diameter hole through sink or
countertop in desired loca on.
3. Remove no.10 and no.9 from no.8. Place no.8
through opening in sink.
4. Replace no.9 and no.10 onto no.8 and ghten
against bo om of sink. Hold no.8 fl at against sink
while ghtening no.10.
5. Place no.13 on no.8 and ghten.
6. Place no.14 on no.13 and ghten.
7. Place both no.15's on each side of no.14 and
8. Connect water supply to no.15's and check for