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Grease filter maintenance
Carbon filter maintenance
Grease filter and carbon fil t er maintenance
Temperature Alarm
Clean using ONLY a cl o th dampened with neutral li q ui d detergent.
abrasive products. DO NOT USE ALCOHOL!
Grease filter
Fig. 23-26
Traps cooking grease particles.
This must be cleaned once a month (or when the fi l ter saturat i o n
indication system – if envisaged on the model i n pos session –
indicates this necessity) usi n g non aggressive detergents, either
by hand or in the dishwasher, which must be set to a low
temperature and a short cycl e .
When washed i n a dishwasher, the grease fil t er may discol o r
slightly, but this does not affect i t s fil t ering capacity.
To remove the grease fi l ter, pull the spring rel e ase handl e .
Charcoal filter (filter version only)
Fig. 25
It absorbs unpleasant odors caused by cooking.
The activated charcoal fi l ter can be one of these types:
Washable activated charcoal filter.
NON-washable activated charcoal filter.
Washable activated charcoal filter
The charcoal fi l ter can be washed once every t wo m onths (or
when the fi l ter saturati o n indication system – if envisaged on the
model in possession – indicates this necessity) using hot wat er
and a suitable detergent, or in a dishw asher at 65°C (if the
dishwasher i s used, sel e ct the ful l cycl e functi o n and leave dishes
Eliminate excess water without damaging the fil t er, then remove
the mattress located inside the plasti c frame and put it in the oven
for 10 minutes at 100° C to dry compl e tely. Replace the mattress
every 3 years and when the cloth is damaged.
NON-washable activated charcoal filter
The saturation of the charcoal fil t er occurs after more or les s
prolonged use, depending on the type of cooking and the regul a ri t y
of cleani n g of the grease fi l ter.
In any case it is necessary to replace the cartridge at least every
four mounths (or when the fil t er saturati o n i n di c ation sys tem – if
envisaged on the model in possession – indicates this
necessity).The charcoal fi l ter may NOT be washed or regenerated.
Hook the charcoal filter at the back on the metal t ongue of the
hood first, then on the front with the two knobs.
Remove the charcoal fil t er by turni n g the knobs fi x i n g it to the hood
by 90°.
Replacing lamps
The hood is equi p ped with a lighting system based on LED
technol o gy.
The LEDs guarantee an optimum lighting, a durati o n up to 10
times l o nger than the traditional lamps and allow to save 90%
electri c al energy.
For replacement, contact the technical service.