Remove the charcoal (*) fi l ter/s i f suppl i ed (see also relative
paragraph). This/these is/are to be mounted only if you want
lo use the hood in the filtering version.
Check (for transport reasons) that there i s no other suppl i ed
material insi d e the hood (e.g. packets w i t h screws (*),
guarantees (*), etc.), eventually removing them and keeping
Expansi o n wall plugs are provi d ed to secure the hood to most
types of walls/cei l ings. However, a quali f ied techni c ian must veri f y
suitability of the materials in accordance with the type of
wall/ceil i ng. The wal l /cei l ing must be strong enough to take the
weight of the hood.
Do not tile, grout or silicone this appliance to the wall. Surface
mounting only.
1. Lights ON/OFF
2. Motor ON/OFF
When key "2" is pressed the motor passes to speed 1.
If the key is pressed during worki n g, the hood passes to OFF
3. Speed decrease
When key "3" is pressed the speed decreases from 4
(intense) to 1.
4. Speed increase
When key "4" is pressed with the hood in OFF s tate, t he
hood passes to speed 1.
If the key is pressed during worki n g, the s peed inc reases
from 1 to 4 (i n tense).
The intense speed is ti m ed. The standard ti m ing is 5', at the
end of whi c h the hood sets at speed 2.
To deactivate the function before the end of the time, pres s
key "3", the hood sets at speed 3, when key "2" is pressed
the hood turns off.
A signal on the di s play corresponds to each speed:
OFF: No signal
Speed 1: 1
Speed 2: 2
Speed 3: 3
Speed 4: 4 flashing
5. Display
Grease filter signalling
The grease fil t er is signalled by the displ a y with number 1 flashing
after 40 hours of use.
This means that the grease filter needs to be washed.
The signall i ng is visibl e with the hood i n ON state.
To eliminate the grease fi l ter si g nalli n g, press key "2" for m ore
than 3", until it turns off.
The signall i ng can be eli m inated wi t h the hood in ON state.
Carbon filter signalling (only for filtering version)
The carbon fil t er is signalled by the displ a y with number 2 flashing
after 160 hours of use.
This means that the carbon filter instal l ed must be repl a ced.
The signall i ng is visibl e with the hood i n ON state.
To eliminate the carbon fi l ter si g nalli n g, press key "2" for m ore
than 3", until it turns off.
The signall i ng can be eli m inated wi t h the hood in ON state.
In case both fi l ters are signalled at the same time, numbers 1 and
2 flash on the di s play alternately.
The signall i ng can be reset by carryi n g out the above-described
procedure twice.
First it resets the grease filter signal l ing, t hen t he carbon f i l ter
In the standard mode the carbon fi l ter si g nall i ng is not active.
In case the filtering versi o n hood is used, it is necessary to enable
the carbon fil t er signal l ing.
Activation of carbon filter signalling:
Set the hood to OFF and keep keys "2" and "3" pressed
contemporaneously for 3".
Numbers 1 and 2 flash alternately for 2".
Deactivation of carbon filter signalling:
Set the hood to OFF and keep keys "2" and "3" pressed
contemporaneously for 3".
Number 1 fl a shes for 2".
Temperature Alarm
The hood is equi p ped with a temperature sensor which acti v ates
the motor at speed 3 in case the temperature in the di s play zone i s
too high.
The alarm condition is indi c ated by the di s play w i t h the letter t
This condi t ion remains as such unti l the temperature fall s bel o w
the alarm threshol d .
This mode can be qui t by pressi n g key "2", "3" or "4".
Every 30" the sensor checks the ambient t emperature of the
display zone.