Thank you for buying a DCS side by side refrigerator with an internal ice maker.
This refrigerator combines size and storage space with the latest features and functions. Many
hours have been spent researching how you, our customer, use your refrigerator and what we
can do to make life easier for you.
This refrigerator has a number of customizable storage zones, such as a Beverage Chiller with
adjustable temperature settings and a fruit and vegetable bin with adjustable humidity.
As your life changes, so can your refrigerator. This book explains the features and functions, and
will help you get the most out of your refrigerator.
We hope you enjoy your new refrigerator!
It is important that this User Guide should be retained with your refrigerator for future reference.
Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner, please ensure that the User Guide
is left with the appliance. This will ensure that the new owner can familiarize themselves with
the information and warnings contained within the Guide.
4293_USA_DCS_EN_FR_SidebySide_Ref_UG6.indd 2
Fig.1 Side by side refrigerator
18/9/09 11:06:15 AM