Velleman WT8732 Mode D'emploi page 5

Table des Matières


Les langues disponibles
  • FR

Les langues disponibles

  • FRANÇAIS, page 9
• Press SET and se t the hour, m inute , year, m onth and date with UP
or DOW N.
• O nce the birthday alarm rings, it will autom atically play a birthday
song for 5 m inute s.
Backlig ht
To lighten the display, press the light button on top of the clock. The
back light switche s off automatically afte r a fe w se conds.
Tec hnical Spe cifications
dim ensions
powe r supply
Use this device with o rig ina l a ccessor ies only. Velleman nv
cannot be held resp ons ib le in the event of damage or injury
result ing from (incorre ct) use of this dev ice. For more info
concerning this pro duct a nd the latest vers ion of this ma nua l,
please v isit our we bsite The information in
this manua l is subject to cha nge witho ut p rior notice.
The co pyrig ht to this manual is o wned by Ve llema n nv. A ll
wo rld wide r ights reserved. No part of this manual may be copied,
re produced, translated or re duced to any e le ctronic me dium or
othe rwise without the prior writte n conse nt of the copyright holde r.
V. 01 – 14/04/2014
13.1 x 5.9 x 9.2 cm
2 x 1.5 V AAA LR03C batte ries (not incl.)
©Ve lleman nv


Table des Matières

Table des Matières