Lotus Cars Emira 2022 Guide De Démarrage Rapide page 27

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Table des Matières


Symbole Description
S'allume en rouge. Si le té-
moin reste allumé ou s'al-
lume pendant la conduite,
une défaillance du système
User manual - China CX11 Non-electric, S002517, 9.00, en-US, Approved, 2017-12-07 12:06.
d'airbag ou de ceinture de sé-
User manual - China CX11 Non-electric, S002517, 9.00, en-US, Approved, 2017-12-07 12:06.
curité pré-tendue a été dé-
Driver environment
e the fault is corrected before driving. If you are not
tectée et doit être rectifiée
e the fault is corrected before driving. If you are not
he fault, consult a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
User manual - China CX11 Non-electric, S002517, 9.00, en-US, Approved, 2017-12-07 12:06.
sans délai.
e fault, consult a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
Température de liquide de
arning symbol in red : The warning indicator alerts
Suspension fault : The indicator illuminates when there
arning symbol in red : The warning indicator alerts
u that an important function is activated or that a
is a fault in the suspension system. Contact a Lynk & Co
u that an important function is activated or that a
ious fault has occurred that may affect the vehicle's
S'allume en rouge si le li-
Center for inspection.
ious fault has occurred that may affect the vehicle's
vability. The warning symbol can also illuminate in
quide de refroidissement du
vability. The warning symbol can also illuminate in
ith other indicators.
moteur devient trop chaud.
th other indicators.
w engine oil pressure : This indicator warns of low
Wiper fault : The indicator illuminates when there is a
w engine oil pressure : This indicator warns of low
Défaillance de l'essuie-glace
gine oil pressure. If the indicator illuminates during
fault in the wipers system. Contact a Lynk & Co Center
gine oil pressure. If the indicator illuminates during
S'allume en rouge lorsqu'une
rmal driving, find a safe place and stop the vehicle
for inspection.
rmal driving, find a safe place and stop the vehicle
mediately, contact a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
défaillance du système d'es-
mediately, contact a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
suie-glace est détectée.
S airbag fault : If this warning indicator illuminates
S airbag fault : If this warning indicator illuminates
ring driving, it means a fault has been detected in
ring driving, it means a fault has been detected in
e front airbags, side airbags or inflatable curtain
front airbags, side airbags or inflatable curtain
d/or pre-tensioner systems. If this happens, contact a
d/or pre-tensioner systems. If this happens, contact a
nter for inspection.
ter for inspection.
Front passenger airbag on : The front
Front passenger airbag on : The front
passenger airbag is activated and adults
passenger airbag is activated and adults
can sit safely in the front passenger seat.
can sit safely in the front passenger seat.
Never sit a child on a booster cushion, in a
Never sit a child on a booster cushion, in a
n a rear-facing child seat on the front passenger seat
n a rear-facing child seat on the front passenger seat
s activated.
s activated.
ont passenger airbag off : The front passenger
nt passenger airbag off : The front passenger
bag is deactivated and children shorter than 140 cm
bag is deactivated and children shorter than 140 cm
a child seat can sit in the front passenger seat. It is
a child seat can sit in the front passenger seat. It is
er when the child is properly secured in the rear
er when the child is properly secured in the rear
at belt reminder : The indicator illuminates if the seat
Symbole Description
Système de pression
des pneus
S'allume en ambre lorsque la
pression d'un pneu est trop
faible. Si cette option est sélec-
tionnée en tant que widget, les
informations relatives à la pres-
Battery charging fault : If this warning indicator
sion et à la température ac-
Battery charging fault : If this warning indicator
illuminates while the engine is running, it may indicate
tuelles peuvent également ap-
illuminates while the engine is running, it may indicate
the charging system is not functioning properly. Please
the charging system is not functioning properly. Please
paraître sur le tableau de bord.
switch off all the unnecessary electrical equipments,
Fuel gauge: The gauge shows the fuel level in the tank. The
switch off all the unnecessary electrical equipments,
contact a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
average and instantaneous fuel consumption are also shown in
contact a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
S'il y a un défaut dans le sys-
Brake fault : The warning indicator illuminates if there is
the right mode view area of the driver display
Brake fault : The warning indicator illuminates if there is
tème de pression des pneus,
a fault in the brake system (e.g. low brake fluid).
soon as possible when the gauge becomes red
a fault in the brake system (e.g. low brake fluid).
Contact a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
le symbole clignote pendant
Contact a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
environ 1 minute, puis s'allume
Coolant temperature: The gauge shows the engine coolant
de manière constante, indi-
Anti-lock braking system fault : If the warning indicator
Anti-lock braking system fault : If the warning indicator
quant que le système ne peut
illuminates when the engine is running or during
illuminates when the engine is running or during
Tachometer: The tachometer shows the engine speed in
pas détecter ou avertir d'une
driving, there may be a fault in the Anti-lock braking
driving, there may be a fault in the Anti-lock braking
revolutions per minute (rpm).
faible pression des pneus
system. Contact a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
system. Contact a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
comme il est censé le faire.
Brake light fault : The indicator illuminates when there is
Brake light fault : The indicator illuminates when there is
Défaillance du feu de freinage
a fault in the brake lights system. Contact a Lynk & Co
The appearance of the gauges above vary depending on
a fault in the brake lights system. Contact a Lynk & Co
S'allume en ambre lorsqu'une
Center for inspection.
the display theme you've selected.
Center for inspection.
défaillance du système de
feux de freinage est détecté.
Direction indicator fault : The indicator illuminates when
Direction indicator fault : The indicator illuminates when
there is a fault in the direction indicators system.
Driver display
Défaillance d'un clignotant
there is a fault in the direction indicators system.
Contact a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
S'allume en rouge lorsqu'une
Contact a Lynk & Co Center for inspection.
défaillance est détectée dans
le système des clignotants.
Coolant temperature : This indicator illuminates when
Coolant temperature : This indicator illuminates when
the engine is overheating. If this happens, turn off the
the engine is overheating. If this happens, turn off the
air conditioning and let the engine idle for a while. If the
air conditioning and let the engine idle for a while. If the
indicator remains illuminated, stop the vehicle safely
indicator remains illuminated, stop the vehicle safely
and contact a Lynk & Co Center.
and contact a Lynk & Co Center.
Steering assist fault : The indicator illuminates when
Driver environment
Défaillance du système de phares
Driver environment
km /h
219 km
Les messages indiquent qu'un système
du véhicule a été activé, que des infor-
72). Refuel as
mations sur le véhicule sont disponibles
ou qu'une défaillance du système a été
Les messages peuvent être auto-
matiquement supprimés lorsque le
problème est résolu ou qu'une action
est entreprise (par exemple, le remplis-
sage du lave-glace ou la pose d'une
ceinture de sécurité).
Les messages qui indiquent une défail-
lance grave de sécurité ou de fonction-
nement du système restent affichés en
permanence jusqu'à ce que le conduc-
teur accuse réception du message en


Table des Matières

Table des Matières