Restore controller factory settings
Modbus (Holding register) type parameter
reading and changing tool
Modbus (Coil register) type parameter read-
ing and changing tool
Control panel version
Fan's controlled by 0..10 VDC signal start
delay time in seconds
0..10 VDC Disable / Enable
Restore factory settings of PRV control
Note: accessible only by connecting to PRV
Tool for air flow adjustment.
To restore factory settings, service password "022" should be reentered.
Due to limited number of symbols in segment display, modbus addresses of "CUSTOM" device are entered as
HIGH and LOW bytes in hexadecimal (HEX) system. Using buttons B2 and B3, select HIGH or LOW bytes, "H.00"
and "L.00" are displayed respectively.
Modbus register read and record tool
Modbus register read and record tool indicated in F.39 and F.40 items is useful when you want to set the unit's
parameters, which by default are not controlled by remote controller, but these parameters are accessible via
Modbus. F.39 is used for Holding type registers and F.40 used Coil registers.
Using the Tool:
1. Modbus register address is indicated and confirmed by "MAX" button.
2. The tool reads the address value and shows on a segmental display (the value flashes).
3. Change the value with "+" and "-" button and confirm with the MAX button.
4. The tool records the value to indicated register and return to the service menu.
Air flow handling tool
Service menu F.45 is used to adjust air flow for different modes. Air flow handling tool operates with MCB and
PRV controllers.
Tool operation instruction:
1. Select desired air flow, what you want to control: SF.1, SF.2, SF.3, SF.4, EF.1, EF.2, EF.3 or EF.4. (SF and EF
determine, for which fan airflow will be modified; SF – air supply fan, EF – air exhaust fan. Number determines
speed/mode, for which air flow will be modified).
2. Equipment switches to the mode/speed, what was selected. Value from the controller is shown on the split
3. By pressing B4 and B6 you may change values (from 0 up to 100%). Fans speed/airflow changes automatically.
4. By pressing B5 you may exit airflow handling tool. Adjusted settings are saved on controller.
5. In order to change other airflow setting, please repeat steps 1-4.
Stouch control panel and other Modbus devices may not work prop-
erly when PRV automation is on the Compatibility mode.
"Compatibility mode" can be turned off with Stouch control panel:
1. Go to Service menu item F.40 (Modbus Coil read / write tool). How to enter service interface is described in
Stouch technical manual.
2. Specify address 21 and press "MAX" (indicate "Compatibility mode" Modbus register)
3. Set "0" and press "MAX" ("1" - on, "0" - off)
0: No
1: Yes
0 - 999
0 - 999
0 - 120
0: OFF
1: ON
0: No 1: Yes
0 - 100