How To Decalcify Your Coffee Maker
1. Place a #4 cone-shaped paper filter into the Removable Filter
Holder. Make sure the Removable Filter Holder fits securely into the
2. Fill Carafe with a solution of 2 tablespoons white vinegar to one liter
of cold water. Pour the water and vinegar solution into the Water
3. Place the empty Carafe on the Warming Plate. Plug the Coffee
Maker into an outlet and press the AUTO ON/OFF Button to turn the
Coffee Maker ON.
4. Keep the Coffee Maker ON until the Carafe is half full. Press the
AUTO ON/OFF Button to turn the Coffee Maker OFF and let cool for
1/2 hour.
5. After 1/2 hour, pour the water and vinegar solution back into the
Coffee Maker.
6. Place the empty Carafe on the Warming Plate. Press the AUTO
ON/OFF Button to turn the the Coffee Maker ON and let all the
water and vinegar solution flow through.
7. Discard the solution and the paper filter.
8. After allowing the Coffee Maker to cool for 15 minutes, flush out all
the traces of vinegar by pouring a Carafe full of cold water into the
Water Chamber. Make sure to insert a fresh filter into the Filter
Holder before brewing and place the empty Carafe on the Warming
Plate. Press the AUTO ON/OFF Button to turn the Coffee Maker ON
and allow it to cycle through.
9. At the end of the brew cycle, press the AUTO ON/OFF Button to turn
the Coffee Maker OFF. Discard water in the Carafe. Repeat steps 8 -
9. Unplug the Coffee Maker when finished.