12.1.5 Reset the ONVIF mode
To reset configuration of the ONVIF mode, you
can repeat the passages previously described by
setting the inverse configurations (12.1.2 Camera
connection, page 46).
• To switch off the unit disconnect the power.
• Set the telemetry protocol on MACRO, configuring
the dip-switch of the communication protocol
(DIP2) as indicated in the following table (Tab. 17,
page 50).
Tab. 17
For the ONVIF mode, MACRO protocol is
required. If other telemetry protocols are
configured, communication will not work.
• Set the telemetry baudrate to 38400, correctly
configuring the baudrate adjustment dip-switch
(DIP1) (Tab. 16, page 48).
For the ONVIF mode, baudrate 38400 is
required. If other telemetry baudrates are
configured, communication will not work.
SW 4
SW 3
SW 2
• Enable SW6 of the second dip-switch (DIP2) on
OFF to enable ONVIF mode.
• Enable SW7 of the second dip-switch (DIP2) on
OFF to disable Alarms status inversion.
• Bring the CPU switch on dip-switches to ON (Fig.
103, page 48).
• Disconnect the telemetry cable from the camera
and connect the camera power supply (Fig. 95
CN7. ONVIF mode, page 46).
• The unit is switched on by connecting the power
12.1.6 Communication control in ONVIF
SW 1
When ONVIF mode is enabled, the CPU board is on
and all the ONVIF functions are available.
The following tests are possible:
• execute a ping on the IP address of the Ulisse
unit from the DOS prompt; the PC should
receive replies to the ping packets;
• switch on the web interface of the Ulisse unit;
• from the web page of the camera
configurations, check the Ulisse unit can obtain
the Streaming parameters from the camera;
• from the user control web page, check if the
Ulisse unit can receive the snapshots of the
camera, and if the PTZ controls are active.