10.1.4 User Controls page
To control the device through the browser, select the
User Control entry. A new window will open with a
virtual keyboard to enter commands.
Fig. 62
The virtual keyboard contains the following controls:
• Speed selector: It selects the speed of the pan &
tilt movements.
Fig. 63
• Zoom Wide/Zoom Tele
Fig. 64
• Focus near/Focus far/Autofocus
Fig. 65
• Iris close/Iris open/Auto iris
Fig. 66
• Wiper/Washer
Fig. 67
• Day: Activate the camera's IR filter. If available, it
turns off the LED illuminators.
Fig. 68
• Night: Deactivate the camera's IR filter. If available,
it turns on the LED illuminators.
Fig. 69