Installation of saddle (9) and saddle support (16).
1. Push the saddle (9) with saddle bracket into the
movable saddle slide (10) and tight it up into desired
incline position.
2. Place the seat slide (10) into the holder of saddle
support (16), set it atthe desired horizontally position
and tighten it by using washer 10//25 (64) and hand
grip nut (65) at triangular block (11).
3. Insert the saddle support (16) into the provided
holder of the main frame (49) and secure at the de-
sired position by screwing in the quick release (18).
(Note: To screw in the quick release (18), the thread-
ed hole in the mainframe (49) and one of the holes
in the saddle support (16) must bealigned. Further-
more, ensure that the saddle support (16) is not
pulled out of the main frame beyond the marked
maximum position. The setting of the saddle post
can be adjusted as desired later. For this, the quick-
release (18) must be loosened by only a few revolu-
tions, the cap of the lock must be pulled away and
the saddle adjusted. Then secure the new setting by
tightening the quick release (18).
Attach the handlebar (6) at handlebar support (21).
1. Guide the handlebar (6) through the holder at
handlebar post (21), put the pulse cable (5) through
the hole and close the bracket of handlebar holder.
2. Attach the front handlebar cover (13) at handle-
bar and screw the handlebar (6) in desired position
at the handlebar post (21) and tighten firmly with
distance tube (14) and handlebar screw (15).