Normally the chicks start eating and drinking from their second/third day of life. Put a drinker and a feeder for fine fodder in the box/pen. We
suggest the following products:
- art. 137: siphon drinker - capacity 1,5 litres in polypropylene (suitable for all chicks, even small sized ones)
- art. 138: siphon drinker - capacity 3 litres in polypropylene (suitable for bigger sized chicks – not quail or pheasant)
- art. 137/A: Bottle-holder drinker for chicks (suitable for bigger sized chicks – not quail or pheasant).
If you use other drinkers, make sure that the basin is not higher than 3-4 cm, otherwise the chicks may get wet or drown. To prevent this, we
suggest you put some pebbles inside that will attract them towards the drinking water.
- art. 296: polypropylene tray Ø 24 cm
- art. 120: galvanized feed trough with grill L=0,3 m – or L=0,5 m (art. 121)
- art. 120/A/R: plastic feed trough with grill L=0,5 m
We suggest you sprinkle some fodder on the newspaper sheets too.
Clear eggs. No blood vessels are visible
during candling
Blood rings are visible while candling
Many dead embryos /
Chicks die before piercing the shell
The eggs fracture
Chicks with malformed lower limbs
Possible cause
Eggs not fertilized due to too many, too
few, too old or infertile cocks
Eggs stored for too long before
Too high or too low temperature during
Inadequate care of the eggs before
Eggs not collected frequently enough
Blood-related parent stock
Old eggs
Old parent stock
Only for art. 512: eggs not sufficiently
turned during incubation
Bacterial contamination
Nutritional deficiencies
Eggs have traveled for long distances
Wrong humidity during incubation
The incubator deployed in too hot an
The incubator has been opened too often
during hatching
Other causes
Dirty eggs
Incorrect humidity during incubation
The incubator worked in a room below
Blood-related parent stock
Use only young and vigorous cocks, never
consanguineous ones
Do not store the eggs for more than 7 days
Ensure that the room temperature is between
+14°C and +18°C
Check the correct storing of the eggs
Collect the eggs more frequently during the day
The parent stock must not be siblings
Store the eggs for max. 7 days
Parent stock shall not be older than 3 years
Turn the eggs at least 4 times a day
Ensure that the eggs are clean
Feed the parent stock with specific fodder
Incubate local eggs only
Comply with the information given about the
filling up of water basins
Make sure that the room temperature is NOT
above +26°C
Open the incubator max. once a day to remove
the dried off chicks
Follow the instructions on chapters 3 and 4
Incubate clean eggs
Comply with the instructions on the quantity of
water necessary.
Do not pour water outside the basins when not
Make sure the temperature of the room is of at
least +20°C
The parent stock shall not be siblings