Custom Settings
DATE: This setting allows you to enter the date as it
will appear on the info bar of each photo.
OPERATION MODE: The operation mode setting is
accessible immediately after the Time setting. The
screen will be blank with either Video or Photo
displayed on the right side of screen. Press Enter to
change between Photo and Video mode
OPTIONS: Photo | Video
To navigate to the following advanced options, PRESS and HOLD ENTER button.
DELETE CARD: Selecting "Yes" on this setting
will completely format the SD card inserted into
the camera. Formatting an SD card will
completely erase any data present on the card. It
is recommended to format an SD card before use
inside a Stealth Cam camera.
TIME: This setting allows you to enter the time as it will
appear on the info bar of each photo.
Advanced Options
RESET: Selecting "Yes" on this option will reset
every setting back to the default configuration.
Selecting "Yes" will completely wipe your custom
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