Favourites are stored in the Internet radio portal and are
available to all Internet radios that are registered with the
same account. You must register the radio in the Internet
radio portal before making use of the favourites.
To register your radio with the portal (www.wifiradio-frontier.
com). To obtain an account by entering: Access code, Email
My Favourites
address, password and Wi-Fi radio model (Radio ID).Access
code can be found from "Station list > Help > Get access
code". Radio ID can be found from "System settings > Info >
Radio ID"
To store a favourite station, press and hold the SELECT
button until the display shows "Favourite added". The station
will then be saved in the list of favourites.
You can search specifically for stations from your country.
Within this scope, you
Local "Country"
can further limit your search according to genres, or display
all station.
Select stations from various categories in the menu:
Location, Genre, Popular Stations, New Stations.
You can also search stations using various keywords.
The name and a description of your selected station will
show on the display.
Press the INFO button repeatedly to view further information
for the station.Information displayed cycles through name/
description, genre/location, reliability,bitrate/codec/
sampling rate, playback buffer and current date.