ATIB elettronica
WARNING: if you want to know and/or change the setting or even a single parameter we strongly suggest to operate
having the charger connected only to AC Main (without battery).
The Battery should NEVER be connected to avoid charging with a wrong setting.
Charger changes its operation according to the curve profile selected by Parameter 3.
The actual firmware provides curve profiles from 14 to 427.
Here are some examples (for having the complete list please ask for the technical manual)
16 = curve WUIU for Pb (10h charge with floating stage)
26 = curve WUIU for Gel (10h charge with floating stage) 226 = curve WUoU for Gel (without Phase 3 but floating stage)
The curve profiles dSA and dSM are desulphation curves – IUa (for expert use only)
WARNING: the charger does NOT need to be programmed each time.
Setting is necessary ONLY if you want to charge a different type of the battery instead of the one you normally use.
To make easier the setting use the EASY mode. This mode allows to set up some of the main charging parameters:
(3.) Charging profile (2.) Charging Current, and (0.) Battery capacity.
Please follow this instruction:
Turn on the charger connecting the AC Main (do not connect the battery)
After a few sec. the Display shows
Enter into EASY mode typing the password 2222 ( see below )
Now you can scroll with << and >> 3 parameters: (3.) Charging profile (2.) Current and (0.) Battery capacity.
Modify the parameters according with the battery to re-charge and return to standard mode typing code 1111 (or
The Display shows Set0 and then
explained before in table "Charger Set-up." Now you can connect the battery and charge.
Moving between Mode and Charging parameters Modification
WARNING: Parameters modification is an action that might have dangerous consequences to your battery.
Every modification is made under the responsibility of those who did it. In case ask for further information.
Pass from Standard mode to Easy mode
The software allows many working mode, here are shown two of them :
Standard Mode (Set0 – 1111) that allows to display some charging information
Easy Mode (Easy – 2222) that allows to set up some of the main charging parameters
Press M key for 2 seconds until - - - - appears.
For entering in Easy mode press "<<" for 4 times until 2222 (EASY) appears, while for entering in Standard mode press
"M" key 4 times until 1111 (Set0) appears.
Other modes are available. For having the complete list please ask for the technical manual.
Modifying a parameter
On Standard mode (Set0) you can only modify the power on delay.
On Easy mode (Easy) all parameters can be modified, but the charger must be idle (Stop or Bat)
To modify a parameter press M.key (First digit flashes)
Scroll the values using << or >> and press the M key again to confirm your choice and exit. (First digit stop flashing)
STD HFK and HFT rev 5.10F
How to use the charger
Quick Set up - Easy Mode
and is giving a sound of about 2 sec. Charger is ready to charge.
If you want to see the set-up you just scroll the parameters with << key as
GR06_UK_Getting Started STD HFK HFT 5_10F 26mar14.docx
Getting Started
116 = curve WUIa for Pb (10h charge without floating stage)
(BS) Tel. +39 030 99 71 051
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26 mar 2014