11. Secure a 12-inch (300mm) servo extension to the servo
lead using a commercially available connector.
12. Thread an M3 x 18 sheet metal screw into each of the
four holes for mounting the rudder bracket using a #2
Phillips screwdriver. Remove the screws from the fl oat.
13. Place 2 to 3 drops of thin CA in each hole to harden
the surrounding wood. Allow the CA to fully cure before
14. Attach the rudder bracket to the fl oat using four M3 x 18
sheet metal screws and a #2 Phillips screwdriver.
15. Test fi t the rudder horn in the bracket. It should fi t and
move freely in the bracket. If not, lightly sand the top
and bottom of the horn so it moves freely in the bracket.
Repeat this section to install both servos.
1/5-Scale Floats
16. Slide the pushrod wire into the pushrod tube in the rear of
the fl oat. Guide the wire through the pushrod connector
at the servo.
17. Attach the Z-bend in the pushrod to the underside of the
rudder horn. Fit the hole in the bracket.
18. Slide the rudder through the bracket and horn. Align the
fl at on the rudder with the screw in the horn. Remove the
screw and apply a drop of thread lock on the screw, then
use it and a #2 Phillips screwdriver to secure the rudder
by tightening the screw onto the fl at area of the rudder
19. Use the radio system to center the rudder servo. Center
the rudder, then use a 2mm hex wrench to tighten the
setscrew, securing the pushrod wire in the pushrod
20. Fit the servo cover in position. Use clear tape around
the cover to help prevent water from entering the fl oat.
Secure the cover using four M2 x 8 sheet metal screws
and a #1 Phillips screwdriver.