Isola on Valves and Pressure Relief Valve
The isola on valves provide the ability to isolate the
water heater from the structure's plumbing and allow
quick access to flush the heat exchanger. Check with
local codes to determine if a pressure and
temperature relief valve is required. The included
valves meet American Na onal Standard (ANSI
Z21.10.3) / Canadian Standard (CSA 4.3) and are
ANSI/NSF 61 approved for potable water.
Isola on Valves Installa on Instruc ons:
1. Wrap the ends of the threaded water inlet &
outlet on the tankless water heater, as well as
the threaded end of the approved pressure relief
valve with a minimum of 5 wraps of Teflon®
2. Screw the pressure relief valve into the 3/4"
threads opposite the wing handle on the HOT
water service valve. (RED drain handle) (see
Pressure Relief Valve Sec on for proper
installa on requirements)
3. Loosen the 3/4" union nut on the HOT water
valve and connect to the HOT water outlet on
the tankless water heater. If nut is removed,
ensure that you realign the tailpiece accurately
to the valve and that the black washer is
posi oned such that the raised metal edge of
the valve is inside the washer.
4. Align the direc on of the HOT water drain to the
desired posi on.
5. Tighten the union assembly to the HOT water
valve using approximately 15 foot lbs of torque.
6. Repeat steps 3‐5 for the COLD water valve.
(BLUE drain handle) for connec on to the COLD
water inlet on the tankless water heater.
7. Connect the INLET on the COLD water valve to
the MAIN SOURCE of the water supply.
8. Connect the OUTLET on the HOT water valve to
the HOT WATER plumbing system.
9. Ensure that both drain valve lever handles are in
the closed posi on (perpendicular to the drain
por on of the body).
A Pressure Relief Valve (PRV)
B PRV Discharge Outlet
C Hot Ball Valve Drain Handle
D Cold Ball Valve Drain Handle
Pressure Relief Valve Installa on Instruc ons:
The PRV must be connected by the threaded
connec on opposite the wing handle on the hot
water valve (designated by the RED drain handle) or
the threaded connec on on the side of the reloca on
fi ng above the hot water valve. Installa on must
maintain a ¾" port size with no shut off valve or line
restric on in‐between the appliance and the PRV. The
discharge line from the PRV should pitch downward
and terminate 6" above drains where discharge will
be clearly visible. The discharge end of the line shall
be plain (unthreaded) and a minimum of ¾" in
diameter. The discharge line material must be
suitable for water at least 180° Fahrenheit and can be
no more than 30 feet in length and contain no more
than 4 elbows or bends. No valve of any type may be
installed in the discharge line of the pressure relief
Pressure Relief Valve Maintenance:
For proper care of this approved pressure relief valve,
it is recommended that the valve is manually
operated once a year. In doing so, it will be necessary
to take precau ons with regard to the discharge of
poten ally scalding hot water under pressure. Ensure
discharge has a place to flow. Contact with your body
or other property may cause damage or harm.
Please note that only the PRV in this package is
cer fied by CSA Interna onal as an approved item.
VC Series Manual