Checklist to Determine Installa on
Loca on
The water heater is not exposed to corrosive
compounds in the air.
The water heater loca on complies with the
For indoor models, the planned ven ng will not
exceed the maximum length for the number of
elbows used.
The planned ven ng termina on/air intake
loca on meets the clearances.
The water supply does not contain chemicals or
exceed total hardness that will damage the heat
A standard 3 prong 120 VAC, 60 Hz properly
grounded wall outlet (for indoor models) or other
120 VAC, 60 Hz source is available.
The installa on must conform with local codes or,
in the absence of local codes, with the Na onal
Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, or the
Natural Gas and Propane Installa on Code, CSA
Leave the en re manual taped to the water
heater (indoor models), temperature controller
(outdoor models), or give the en re manual
directly to the consumer.
Mount to Wall
1. Iden fy the installa on loca on and confirm that
the installa on will meet all required clearances.
2. Securely a ach the water heater to the wall
using any of the holes in the wall installa on
brackets which are at the top and bo om of the
water heater. Ensure that the a achment
strength is sufficient to support the weight.
Refer to the weight of the water heater in the
Specifica ons sec on.
Use a leveling tool to ensure that the water
heater is level. Proper opera on requires that
the water heater be level.
NOTE: The water heater should be installed in an
upright posi on. Do not install upside down or on its
Remove the Front Panel
Slide the plas c trim pieces on each side of the water
heater to expose the screws.
Remove the 4 screws and pull off the front panel.
KB Series Manual
wall installa on