Clou Xtra
Xtra heat storing technology
The model Clou Xtra have been equipped with the unique Xtra heat storing technology. This technology is based on the
patented Heat Memory System, but also on the special flue gas guidance and the convection air which can be regulated or
shut off completely. Consequently a fast heating system is being combined with an extraordinarily efficient heat storing.
The convection air can be regulated according to demand with the attached lever (see picture). The more the convection air
outlets of the top plate are open, the faster heat but less heat storing can be reached. A closed top plate will however lead to
slow heat and longer heat storing.
Konvektionsluftschieber = convection air lever
Our hint: while the fire still burns let the convection air outlets open; close them after the fire has burnt down in order to reach
a steady heat emission.
Operation with external air supply
The German institute for constructional engineering (DIBT) has given the Clou Xtra. the general technical approval for
operation with external air supply. If the combustion air is being supplied directly to the furnace by an air-tight pipe including
closing mechanism from the outside, then the stove may be used in residential property with mechanical ventilation.
If the stove in being used like that, a multiple stove installation on the same chimney is forbidden.
This stove has been approved by the German DIBT.
door glass gets sooty too fast
stove does not get enough
combustion air
stove smells strongly and there is
smoke on the outside surface
exhaust gas emission while
putting more wood on the fire and
during operation
possible reason
bad chimney draught
incorrect use of the combustion air
supply lever
wood logs are too large
operating temperature was not
chimney draught not sufficient
stove is sooted inside
baking phase of the varnish
stove is dusty/dirty
chimney draught no sufficient, flue
pipe connection leaky
the stove door was opened before
the wood has burnt down to
generally: door glasses must be cleaned with
Austroflamm glass cleaner from time to time
(depending on the frequency of use)
contact your chimney sweep (elongate
chimney/draught metering)
please operate air lever according to user's
instructions (if secondary air is closed, the door glass
soots rather fast)
keep to the max. fuel quantity according to user's
more fuel, use dry wood (< 15 % residual moisture),
attend air regulation
contact your chimney sweep (elongate
chimney/draught metering)
more fuel, use dry wood (< 15 % residual moisture),
attend air regulation
there may be some odour development during the
first operations
cleaning before the heating season starts!
inspect joints and seal up again if necessary
check chimney draught, examine operating - for info
video follow:
put more fuel wood into the combustion chamber
only if there are only embers left (no more visible