JABRA BT300 Bluetooth
Headset Features
1. Headset ON/OFF Button: Press & hold to power
the headset On or Off
2. Multifunction Button (MFB): controls various
functions of the headset
3. Volume Control Button: adjusts the speaker
(receive) volume
4. Visual LED: to show status of headset mode
5. Speaker: receiver for the other party's voice
6. Microphone: voice input for transmission
7. Ear hook: how the headset is worn on either ear
(turn around for left/right ear)
8. Charging Port: receptacle for battery charger
9. EarPad: for enhanced listening clarity
and comfort
Choose Right or Left Ear Wearing Style
The JABRA BT300 Bluetooth headset comes configured for wearing on your right ear. To
change for left ear wearing please use the simple instruction as follows:
1. Hold the headset firmly and put
the earhook in its open position
at 90 degrees.
2. Gently lift and pull the top
of the earhook up from the
main headset and pull away
to remove.
3. Turn the headset over.
4. Place the Ear hook into the Ear
hook housing and push down
into a secure position.
5. The headset is now ready for
wearing on the left ear.