Mounting the bicycle rack onto the trailer hitch
The vehicle should be level for the mounting work, the engine cut and the handbrake
applied. The trailer hitch must be undamaged, clean and free of grease.
The PREMIUM is placed from above onto the trailer hitch and optically aligned at the
same time. See photo.
Push down the quick lock lever (approx. 40 kg) as far as it will go (the lever will remain
in horizontal position). Push the plastic locking to the left until the
green marking on the handle is fully visible. Check again whether the
rack is secure and tight on the trailer hitch (and cannot be turn out of
position any longer). The quick-release lock needs to be adjusted if
this is not the case. For this purpose, push the plastic locking
rightward as far as possible so that you can pull the lever upward and
remove the rack from the trailer hitch. Now turn in the adjusting screw
on the quick-release lock a little (first slacken the lock nut) and then
retighten the lock nut.
Put the rack onto the trailer hitch again checking whether the rack is
secure and tight on the trailer hitch. If necessary, repeat this work
step until the rack is secure and tight. Caution: Always make sure that the lock nut
on the adjusting screw has been correctly tightened! Lock the quick-release lock
now and remove the key from the lock. The bicycle rack is now also protected against
theft. Always take care that the quick-release lock has been correctly locked! The green
marking on the handle is completely visible and the red dot on the lock is level with the
lock an the lock symbol.
The keys for the locks should be kept safely.
Latching the lock serves safety and is anti-theft protection at the same time.
The rack shall not be used without these lock securing systems applied.