5.1 Routine inspection before use
1. Install the battery box in the battery box slot, open the power supply switch and check whether the functions
of all the electrical components are normal.
2. Safety inspection (see the notes on safe use in the manual).
3. Check whether the throttle rotates and works correctly.
4. Check whether the braking power-off function and braking work correctly.
5.2 Daily use, inspection and maintenance
With everyday use of the electric bike, the mechanical and electrical parts can become worn, screws and other fasteners can also
come loose, resulting in electrical components falling off. If these occurrences go unnoticed, the e-bike can stop working, and your
safety can be put at risk when cycling. Therefore, it is important to carry out routine inspection and maintenance of your e-bike.
5.3 Maintenance
To ensure road safety, it is important to occasionally check that all the electrical parts are in working order, check for loose wires
and whether all mechanical parts are functioning normally. Clean, wipe, oil the chain, fluted disc, flywheel and derailleur regularly
(consult your supplier for the type of oil product to use). This will ensure that all parts are functioning normally.
6. Riding instructions
Correct cycling posture is essential for safe riding. Riding posture is closely related to the height and size of the cyclist. Proper cycling
posture not only determines the efficiency of muscle movement, but also determines whether the cyclist can use the handles and
brakes safely.
Safety riding skills: Adjust your e-bike in three steps to suit your body; cycling is just like buying clothes—you need take
measurements and make adjustments. This two-step adjustment method is a combination of bicycle sports mechanics, exercise
physiology and safe riding.
1. Adjust the position of the seat: press the pedal downwards and using your heel, contract all the muscles in the lower joints
while stretching out your legs.
2. Adjust the front/rear angle and height of the handlebars: in general, upward-turned-type handlebars are about 30-50 mm
higher than the seat; flat-type handlebars are the same height as the seat; and the top of downward-turned-type handlebars
is the same height as the seat. After adjusting, check the position of the handlebars and lock them in place.
*Sitting posture on the seat: Similar to the posture on horseback, weight is distributed through the bike's handlebars and pedals
and not on the upper body, to prevent hip pain.
*Pedal position: The top third of your foot should be positioned on the middle of the pedal. Your feet must be parallel
with the center line of the bike to ensure optimal efficiency. You should try to pedal at a uniform speed to avoid fatigue.
*Pedalling skills: Position the foot about one-third to the front of shoe length. Push down in the centre of the pedals.
The feet must be parallel with the bike centre-line. If the feet are too open or are too narrow, pedalling will not be so efficient.
Speed should be kept constant to reduce rider fatigue.
*Slowing down skills: The speed-change gear slows down the bike, but does not accelerate it.
It is therefore important to maintain the pedal revolutions stable to avoid becoming tired due to constantly changing effort.
Changing speed is thus less of an effort and more comfortable.
*Change speed when:
• Climbing.
• The road surface is uneven.
• Cycling against the wind.
• When feeling tired. It can also be done when riding conditions are less comfortable.
*Braking skills: As we all know, the principle of hard braking is to first activate the rear brake, then the front brake.
In case of an emergency, however, the brakes can be activated simultaneously. If there is sufficient braking distance, the bike is able
to stop safely; if slowdown is too abrupt, the cyclist may be thrown forward. To prevent this from occurring, intermittent braking is
advisable, while at the same time pushing the hips backward. If the road is wet, increase the braking distance for safety and reduce