The following is a table of a few useful suggestions for the diagnosis and solution of possible module
Red Led ON
No output signal
No Audio/Video output
incapsulated signal
All the streaming programs
are freezing
LAN services blocked
Slow response during the pro-
grammation by using the TPE
Unable to manage the modu-
le using the TPE or via WEB
Impossibile IP address chang-
ing with TPE
The selection audio-program
has a slight freezing picture
showed in the IP Set-top-box
The program does not start
streaming on the IP Set-top-
box after a mains interruption
The "scan headend" per-
formed with TPE does not
detect any module
General malfunction
Transport Stream unlocked
Excedancees of the maximum
bit-rate manageable from any
module. A just activated chan-
nel is automatically stopped if
the available PIDs are finished
or if a programme used a not
valid PID.
One or more ethernet switch
could not properly manage the
IP multicast traffic generated by
several SIG7720 modules con-
nected to the LAN
Multicast Traffic on the LAN too
RAM overloaded
High Multicast traffic generated
by the module present on the
The trouble is related to the
management of buffer memory
of the IP Set-top-box
The trouble is related to the
managements of programs in
the IP Set-top-box
Temporary absence of comu-
nication between the streamer
and the sub-rack
Technical Support
Check TS Status menu settings and/
or check the receivers settings
Verify the numbers of programs you
want to put over IP
Please referring to the network
administrator of the LAN
1. Turn off one or more streaming
2. Proceed with the SIG7720 mod-
ule settings;
3. Re-enable the programs again
Before module via TPE or via WEB is
recommended to:
1. disable monitoring set to Fracar-
ro Headend Management;
2. update the module
3. restore monitoring
1. Unplug the network interconnec-
tion patch cable;
2. make changes;
3. Restore the link
Refer to the instructions of the IP Set-
top-box manifacturer
Refer to the instructions of the IP Set-
top-box manifacturer
1. Unplug and re-plug the TPE;
2. make a new "scan headend"