< �ixing of the rubber cushion and set�up of the sewing machine >
Ft rubber cushons 1 to the wood screws after securely fixing collars 3 onto the top surface of table 4 wth wood
screws 2 (4 places). (For the poston, refer to the drawng of table for reference.)
Adjust the concave (4 places) located on the bottom surface of sewng machne 5 to rubber cushons 1 after se-
curely fixing rubber cushions 1 on table 4 and set sewng machne 5 on the table.
4 Top surface
of table
1. Setting the belt
When replacing the belt� be sure to turn ��� the power to the motor and ascertain that the motor has
totally stopped rotating before starting the work. There is a danger of injury since hands or clothes
may be caught in the belt.
1 Rubber cushion
2 Wood screw
3 Collar
Slack of 10 to 15 mm
) Ft belt 1 to machne pulley 2 .
2) Turnng machne pulley 2 , set the other sde of the
belt to motor pulley 3 .
3) Adjust the belt tenson so that the belt sags 0 to 5
mm when the center of the belt s pressed wth an ap-
proxmate 0 N (.02 kgf) load.
4) Securely fix the belt with lock nut 4 when the belt has
been set.
If the deflection of the belt is excessive
when the sewing machine is operated�
check again the belt tension.
* When performing the set�up of DLN�6390� refer to
�2. Installing the motor�� p.13.
* After completion of set�up� install the belt cover
for motor pulley supplied with the motor in accor�
dance with the Instruction Manual for motor.
5 Sewing machine