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cedamatic Agies CS 650 Livret D'instructions Et Catalogue Des Pieces De Rechange page 8

Barrières routières


3. Posa della piastra di fondazione
3. Foundation plate positioning
3. Montage der Fundamentplatte
3. Mise en place de la plaque de fondation
3. Posicionamiento de la placa de alimentación
Vite M12x50 UNI 5739.
Screw M12x50 UNI 5739.
Schraube M12x50 UNI 5739.
Vis M12x50 UNI 5739.
Tornillo M12x50 UNI 5739.
Staffa a cementare.
Flask to be cemented.
Bügel zu zementieren.
Étrier à cimenter.
Pletina para hormigonar.
Dado M12 UNI 5588.
Nut M12 UNI 5588.
Mutter M12 UNI 5588.
Ecrou M12 UNI 5588.
Tuerca M12 UNI 5588.
Rosetta Ø13x24 UNI 6592.
Washer Ø13x24 UNI 6592.
Unterlegscheibe Ø13x24 UNI 6592.
Rondelle Ø13x24 UNI 6592.
Arandela Ø13x24 UNI 6592.
Mettere in piano la piastra tramite livella.
Lay flat through the level.
Mittels Grundwaage ausgleichen.
Mettre en niveau avec la nivelle.
Poner plana la placa con el nivel.
Foro per passaggio cavi.
Cables hole.
Bohrung für Kabeleinlaß.
Trou pour le passage des câbles.
Agujero para sacar cables.
Piastra di fondazione.
Foundation plate.
Plaque de fondation.
Placa de cimentación.
N.B.: agire sui trimmer molto lentamente per non provocare l'arresto dell'automazione.
Verificare quindi il funzionamento delle sicurezze tenendo presente che:
• premendo lo stop in qualsiasi condizione, l'impianto si arresta ed attende un comando;
• l'intervento dei fotodispositivi in chiusura provoca una riapertura completa istantanea, mentre in apertura
non vi è alcun intervento;
• il montaggio dei microinterruttori di finecorsa è indispensabile per un corretto funzionamento del dispositivo.
N.B.: ogni qualvolta la somma delle manovre eseguite crei confusione, staccare per qualche secondo la
batteria e la rete, quindi ridare tensione e proseguire le prove.
N.B.: in assenza di rete 230Vac, con batterie completamente cariche, è possibile effettuare da 10 a 30 cicli di
manovra completi, a seconda del peso dell'automazione.
N.B.: se possibile evitare le regolazioni estreme dei trimmer di velocità e potenza.
N.B.: La sezione minima dei cavi del motore dovrà essere di:
1.5 mm
per lunghezze fino a metri 1
2.5 mm
per lunghezze fino a metri 3
4.0 mm
per lunghezze fino a metri 6
8. Installation
Carry out all the push-buttons and photo-electric cells connections (pay attention to the feed polarity).
Bond to the common contact (terminal no. 5) all the N.C. lines not used (for instance the photo-electric
cells, the stop push-button). If more than one pair of photo-electric cells are installed, contacts must
be placed in series.
Connect the open gate pilot light, the electric lock, the flash-lights and the motor to their outlets.
Isolate the outlets not used.
Position all the trimmers of the logical card in half-stroke position.
Select the right tension for the electric lock.
Exclude temporarily the automatic re-closure.
Connect the battery, paying attention to the polarity.
At this stage the "PHOTO" - "STOP" - "OP.F" and "CL.F" led must light up. If this does not happen,
check that all these connections are correct. By moving the gate manually, check that just before the
complete opening, the led "OP.B" turns off and that just before the complete closure the led "CL.B"
turns off; then place the gate at half of its stroke (45
Before any intervention on the system disconnect the 230Vac line and the batteries.
Operate now the opening push-button: if the automation starts closing, press the stop push-button,
disconnect the 230Vac and the battery and reverse the motor cables. Reconnect the battery and the
230Vac and press the opening push-button; adjust the working speed through the trimmer B accord-
ing to standard in force and wait for the limit stop arrival.
Adjust the braking circuit intervention by positioning correctly the cam onto the limit stops and ad-
justing the trimmer C for a smooth stop.
Press the closing push-button; adjust now the torque according to standard in force through the
trimmer A so as to stop the movement with a moderate effort; keep to the standard in any case.
P.N.: operate slowly onto the trimmer to avoid that the automation stops. Check the safety catches
operation and take into consideration following points:
• any time STOP is pressed, the system stops and wait for a control;
• the photo-electric cells intervention during the closing phase causes a complete instantaneous re-
opening, whereas there is no intervention during the opening phase.
• The limit stop micro-switches have to be installed for a correct device operation.
P.N. Any time the addition of the carried out motions create some confusion, disconnect the battery
and the network for a few seconds, then apply voltage and proceed with the tests.
) and disconnect the manual release device.



Produits Connexes pour cedamatic Agies CS 650