Wires can catch and flap around
Scything weeds
Reaction forces
Anticlockwise rotation
Precautions to observe when working
1. Push
2. Pull
Trimming operation
Do not operate brushcutter without shoulder harness and
This is cutting by swinging the cutting attachment in a level arc. It
can quickly clear areas of field grass and weeds. Scything should
not be used to cut large, tough weeds or woody growths.
If a sapling or shrub binds the cutting attachment, do not use the
cutting attachment as a lever to free the bind, because this will
cause cutting attachment failure.
Instead, shut off the engine and push the sapling or shrub to free
the blades.
Do not use a cracked or damaged blade.
The operator may feel the unit push toward him when he tries to
cut the object on right. If he cannot hold the blade in the cut, a
kickback may occur when the blade is pushed out to where the
teeth at the outside furthest point from the operator are cutting.
The blade will "kickback" sideways.
The opposite of push. When object on left, the operator may feel
the unit pull away. Although this pull type of cutting may cause
sawdust to be thrown back at the operator, it is recommended for
sawing off heavy brush because the cutting is smoother and
more stable than when the unit pushes.
If you hit a hard object with the front-right of the trimmer blade,
such as when trimming in both directions, the blade will kick
sharply back to the right. This is a phenomenon known as "kick
back", and can cause a serious accident due to the operator los-
ing control over the product. Take particular care to ensure that
you do not strike any hard object with the front-right of the trimmer
The area within a radius of 15m of the product is a danger
zone. Make sure that there are no children, onlookers, or pets
in this zone. If anyone comes within 15m, turn off the engine
immediately to stop the blade from rotating.
If someone is helping you with the work or you are working to-
gether, identify the way in which you will signal to each other
and work at least 15m apart. You are advised to carry a whistle
in case you need to communicate.