Universal Input: TC, RTD, Z Voltage/Current
Thermocouple (TC): L(DIN 43710) ,J , K , R , S , T , B , E and N
(IEC584.1)(ITS90) ,C (ITS90)
Thermoresistance (RTD): PT-100 (IEC751)(ITS90)
Z Input: mV, V, mA
Measurement Range : Please refer to Table-1 for selection of input
type and scale
Accuracy:± 0.25% of full scale for thermocouple, thermoresistance,
mV, V and mA input.
Cold Junction Compensation:Automatically ±0.1°C/1°C
Line Compensation: Maximum 10 Ohm
Sensor break protection:Upscale
Sampling Cycle:3 samples per second
Input Filter: 0.0 to 900.0 seconds
Standart Relay Output: 5A@250VV (on resistive load)
Output Modules: User can insert 2 output module to the device.
-Relay Output Module
-SSR Output Module (Max. 26mA , Max. 22V Z)
-Digital (Transistor) Output Module (Max.40 mA @18V Z)
-0/4...20 mA Z Current Output Module
Power Supply Voltage :
100-240V V 50/60 Hz (-%15;+%10) -6VA
24V V 50/60 Hz (-%15 ; +%10) -6VA
24V Z (-%15 ; +%10) -6W
(It must be determined in order.)
Process Display :
ESM-4400 : 10.1 mm
ESM-4900 : 20.3 mm
ESM-7700 : 13.2 mm
ESM-9900 : 19 mm
LED Göstergeler : °C /°F / V, OP1/2/3 (Output Status) LED.
Red 4 digit LED Display
Red 4 digit LED Display
Red 4 digit LED Display
Red 4 digit LED Display