Lincar Stella Instructions D'utilisation Et D'entretien page 47

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Heating System Venting Phase
-Connect the equipment with the heating installation.
-Fill the heating installation and bring it on pressure (es. 1,0 bar)
1- On equipment's display select "Tarature Tecnico" = " Technical Setting" insert the
password to enter.
2- Select "Test Uscite" = "Exit Test"
3- Select "Test Pump".
4- Pushing the button 1 is possible to activate or deactivate the circulator.
To improve the venting/clean phase of heating installation, we recommend to activate the
circulator for 1 minute, turn it OFF for 30 seconds then activate it again for another 60
seconds, after having turn it OFF wait 1 minute then go on with the venting/clean phase of
heating installation. (radiators, accumulators, disconnectors, etc.)
5- Repeat the venting/clean phase 2 times , paragraph 4.
6- When the operation is ended or in case of pressure drop during the venting phase, it's
necessary to reinstate water (keep a pressure value of 0,8/0,9 bar).
Circulator venting phase
7 - After the venting operation of heating
installation, it's necessary to do the same
operation with the circulator.
8- Position the circulator knob on Ventil
9- If the equipment display is NOT in the status "Test Pump" go on as follows ( or go to
point10) :
a- On display set "Tarature Tecnico" = Technical Setting inserirt password to enter.
b- Select "Test Exit".
c- Select "Test Pump".
10- Activate the circulator, pushing button 1 and wait until operation is completed. During
this phase (around 4 minutes), the circulator send a flashing green light.
- When finished the stove's display return to the initial status.
- We recommend repeating two times this operation of circulator's venting paragh. 9 and 10.
IT-GB-FR mod. 740-740 ECO-740/SA-740/SA ECO-740N/SA


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Ce manuel est également adapté pour:

Morgana740740/sa740 eco740/sa eco740n/sa

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