This welding mode in direct current (DC) is designed for ferrous metal such as steel, stainless steel or even copper and its alloys.
This pulse welding mode create alternative high current pulses (I, welding pulse) and low current pulses (I_cold, pulses to cool the piece). This pulse
mode allows to assemble pieces while while keeping the machine cooler.
The I welding current is set to a 100A and % (I_cold) = 50%, thus a Cold current of = 50% x 100A = 50A. F(Hz) is set to 10Hz, the signal period
will be 1/10Hz = 100ms.
Every 100ms, a 100A pulse then a 50A pulse will succeed each other
1- Place the torch in welding position above the metal with a gap of roughly 2-3
2- Press the torch trigger (the arc starts without contact using High Frequency
3- The initial welding current circulates, the welding carries on according to the
welding cycle.
1- Position the torch nozzle and the tip of the electrode on the piece of metal and
press the trigger.
2- Position the torch to create a gap of roughly 2-3 mm between the tip of the
electrode and the metal. The arc starts.
3- Put the position back into position to start the welding cycle.