Internet Configuration Type
DHCP: If you are connecting
through DHCP or a dynamic IP
address from your ISP , keep the
default setting Obtain an IP
Static IP: If your ISP assigns you a
static IP address, select Static IP
from the drop-down menu.
Complete the Internet IP
Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway,
and Static DNS fields. You need
to enter at least one DNS
PPPoE: If you are connecting
through PPPoE, select PPPoE from
the drop-down menu. Complete
the User Name and Password
fields. Select Keep Alive if you
always want to be connected to
your ISP , or select Connect on
Demand if you are charged for
the time that you are connected
to your ISP .
RAS: (for SingTel Users) RAS is a
service used in Singapore only. If
you are using a RAS connection
check with your ISP for the
necessary setup information.
PPTP: PPTP is a service used in
Europe only. If you are using a
PPTP connection, select PPTP
from the drop-down menu (D
Complete the IP Address, Subnet
Mask, Default Gateway, User
Name ,and Password fields.
Select Keep Alive if you always
Static IP