Modèle 3030P
Ludlum Measurements, Inc.
RXn – Read the Crosstalk
This command reads the beta-to-alpha or alpha-to-beta crosstalk. The value
must be divided by 10 to get the correct value. Returns "nnn."
1 = Reads beta-to-alpha crosstalk.
2 = Reads alpha-to-beta crosstalk.
RY – Read Recycle Mode Status
This command reads the status of the recycle mode. Returns "OFF" or
Rn – Read the Alarm Set Points
This command reads the specified alarm set point. Returns "nnnnnn."
1 = Read alpha alarm set point.
2 = Read beta alarm set point.
3 = Read alpha + beta alarm set point.
Xn – Set Crosstalk Mode
This command sets crosstalk ON/OFF or returns crosstalk status, where
"n" is a value of 0, 1, or 2.
0 = Sets crosstalk OFF.
1 = Sets crosstalk ON.
2 = Returns status.
SBnxxxxxx – Set Background Subtract
This command sets the alpha or beta background subtract.
1 = Set alpha background subtract.
2 = Set beta background subtract.
SCmmddyyyy – Set Calibration Date
This command sets the calibration due date.
SDmmddyyyyz – Set Date
This command sets the date on the read-time clock. The "z" is the value of
the year Mod 4.
Manuel Technique
Page 36
Section 7
May 2013