6. Maintenance, replacement and repair
UPH 15 pumps do not require regular maintenance. Ensure to
disconnect the pump from the voltage supply before working on
it. Close the shut-off valve. Damaged cables must only be repaired
by qualified specialists. Remove the pump from the pipeline before
repairing it.
The pump cannot
be switched on.
The system is
too noisy
The pump is
too noisy
Possible cause
No voltage supply
Wrong voltage
Wrong condenser
The impeller is
blocked, possibly
by deposits
Flow rate is
too high
Air in the system
Air in the pump
Inlet pressure
too low
Check the electrical connection
and the fuse
Correct voltage 230 V AC / 50 Hz
Replace condenser
Clean the pump and the impeller
using appropriate tools
Use a smaller pump
Vent the system
Die Pumpe entlüften
Increase the inlet pressure
Circulation pump