We, scheppach Fabrikation von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH, hereby declare that the machine described
below, because of its design and construction, meets the relevant and basic safety and health requirements of the EC
Firewood circular saw
Wox 700 duo
Serial no.:
From 1001
To implement the safety and health requirements specified in the EC directives, the following standards were used:
Internal measures have been taken to ensure that serial devices always meet the requirements of applicable EC directives
The following body
has carried out the EC-type examination specified in Anney IX of the 2006/42/CEE Directive
Below the name and adress of the person responsible for compiling the technical documentation
Reinhold Bauer
Günzburger Straße 69
89335 Ichenhausen
Ichenhausen, 16.07.2012
Reinhold Bauer
Construction Manager
EU Confirmity declaration
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Furthermore, the machine meets the
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EEC,
The EMC 2004/108/EEC
EN 847-1; EN 1870-1; EN 60204-1, EN ISO 12100
and relevant standards
PZ.LSV Prüf-und Zertifizierungsstelle des
Spitzenverbandes der landwirtschaftlichen Sozialversicherung
Weißensteinstraße 70-72
34144 Kassel
Registernummer: 2157
EC type-examination certificate has been issued
Scheppach Fabrikation von
Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
89335 Ichenhausen