The fence works when the circuit is closed. Therefore, good grounding of the energizer is extremely
important for proper operation of the fence and optimal performance of the energizer.
If feasible, earthing with the earth rod should be carried out in a place that is as moist as possible. Use
the enclosed bayonet earth rod and insert the thread into the ground next to the device as far as it will
go. Then lay one end of the grounding cable (black cable) on the upper end of the grounding post and
fasten it to the grounding rod with the screw provided. Connect the other end of the cable to the black
screw on the electric fence device. This is the ground connection.
If the grounding does not reach the moist layers of soil in very dry or sandy soil, use another Ellofence
bayonet ground rod, which you can screw onto the existing one in order to reach deeper and moister
layers of soil. To do this, proceed as follows.
Drive the first ground stake into the ground as far as possible, then screw the second ground stake onto
it. Drive the two earth rods into the ground again as far as possible. Now screw the ground cable to the
upper end.
If you bought an Ellofence device using 2 or 3 earth stakes, proceed as described above.
The earthing will be better when this earthing enter in damp
and clammy areas of the soil.
All the more the earth post stick in the ground –
all the more damp is the soil – all the more is the earthing.
With an Ellofence M300, M500 and A500, 3 ground stakes are always
driven into the ground one above the other. M300 = 2 times, M/
A500 = 3 times. The ground rods are connected every 10m (see 10m
ground cable at www.ellofence.de)