Instructions for Use
In order to use the LT-D safely the user must first be familiar with these instructions for use.
Indications for the use of the Laryngeal Tube
The Laryngeal Tube is intended for use in patients for controlled or spontaneous ventilation during anesthesia for
procedures that are short in duration, when the patient is considered to have a low risk of aspiration of stomach
contents. In addition the Laryngeal Tube is an alternative device to secure the airway during difficult airway
(European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2005, Section 4. Adult advanced life
Contraindications for the use of the Laryngeal Tube LT-D in elective situations
Patients who have not fasted, including patients whose fasting cannot be confirmed, and in other situations where
there may be retained gastric contents. Situations where gastric contents may be present include, but are not
limited to, gross or morbid obesity, pregnancy, multiple or massive injury, acute abdominal or thoracic injury, any
condition associated with delayed gastric emptying, or use of opiate medication prior to fasting. Adult patients who
are unable to understand instructions or cannot adequately answer questions regarding their medical history,
because these patients may be contraindicated for LT-D use.
The user should be familiar with the following warnings when considering or attempting to use the LT-D:
• High airway pressures may divert gas either to the stomach or to the atmosphere.
• After placement, perform standard checks for breath sounds and utilize an appropriate carbon dioxide monitor
as required by law or hospital protocol.
• The LT-D is a disposable product and cannot be reused.
The LT-D is 100% latex-free and should be considered safe to use on patients who are latex sensitive.
1. Preparation for use of the Laryngeal Tube LT-D
The product is delivered in sterile condition unless the package is opened or damaged. The LT-D is for single use
only and therefore cannot be cleaned or reused.
Before the use of the LT-D the device must pass the following performance test:
- Examine the interior of the airway tube to ensure that it is free from blockage or loose particles.
- Inflate the cuffs to check for any possible leakage.
Caution: Do not use the LT-D if the cuff deflates.
2. Use of the Laryngeal Tube LT-D
a) Choose the correct LT-D size.
b) Check that both cuffs are completely deflated and that
the LT-D has been lubricated with water-soluble lubricant.
c) Have a spare LT-D ready and prepared for immediate use
d) Pre-oxygenation is advisable in all cases