Before Use
Tube pressure will fluctuate with temperature.
Inflate tubes in sequence to 250 mB/3.6 psi.
Failure to observe this will compromise the
sea-keeping ability and watertight integrity of
the boat. Inflation valves are fitted with quarter-
turn locks to enable rapid deflation.
the correct sequence to prevent
Set valves to shut and inflate tubes evenly,
starting at rear/right, rear/left, then forward
Safety Check!
to the kill cord when engine is
running. As a precautionary measure before
setting off, always test kill cord functionality by
pulling it away from its switch. The engine
should always stop.
Warning Lights
In the event that a warning lamp or
buzzer activates during use, STOP engine
immediately, investigate the cause and/or
contact your authorized Williams Dealer.
Tubes must be inflated in
ALWAYS attach yourself
Risk of engine damage.
Check bilge for fuel or water contamination.
Tighten footwell drain plugs.
Ensure towing valve is set in open position.
Check engine cover latches are secure.
If your tender is fitted with the Auto Bow
Inflate option, ensure that the boat is in
the water with the engine running before
operating the inflator. The inflator has a
high current draw and may excessively
discharge the battery if operated without the
engine running.
NEVER operate the boat
when bathers are using the boarding
ladder, as risk of serious injury exists from the
reverse deflector.
NEVER investigate the
engine bay with the engine running
or ignition on. Ensure the boat is in a
depth of at least 0.95 m/3 ft of water.