6. Maintenance
6.1. General
The pump as well as the entire system must be inspect-
ed and maintained at regular intervals. The interval of the
maintenance is determined by the manufacturer and ap-
plies for the general conditions of use. The manufacturer
must be contacted in the event of aggressive and/or abra-
sive pumped mediums, since the interval could be short-
ened in these cases.
The following points must be noted:
The operating instructions must be available to the
maintenance personnel and must be followed. Only
maintenance work and measures listed here must be
carried out.
All maintenance work, inspection work and cleaning
work on the machinery and the system must be car-
ried out with due diligence, at a safe working place
and by trained qualified personnel. The required pro-
tective gear must be worn. The machinery must be
disconnected from the power supply for all work.
Unintentional start must be prevented. Furthermore
the respective protective measures according to the
Employers' Liability Association regulations, BGV/the
Statutory Accident insurance, GUV must be complied
with when working in basins and/or containers.
Ensure that sling gear, ropes and the safety equipment of the
hand winch are technically sound. The work must only be start-
ed when the auxiliary hoisting gear is technically in order. Fail-
ure to carry out these checks may jeopardize your life!
f easily inflammable dissolvers and cleaning materials
are used, open fire, open light as well as smoking are
Ensure that the required tools and materials are read-
ily available. Tidiness and cleanness ensure safe and
proper work on the machinery. Remove used clean-
ing materials and tools from the machinery after the
work has been carried out. Keep all materials and
tools in a dedicated place.
Service media (such as for example oils, lubricants,
etc.) must be captured in a suitable container and
must be disposed of according to the regulation
75/439/EEC and writ §5a, 5b abfG, Waste Avoidance
and Management Act). Respective protective cloth-
ing must be worn when carrying out cleaning work
and maintenance work. This must be disposed of ac-
cording to waste catalogue TA 524 02 and EC direc-
tive 91/689/EEC. Only lubricants recommended by
the manufacturer must be used. Oils and lubricants
must not be mixed. Only use manufacturer's original
A test run or function test of the machinery must only be carried
out according to the general operating conditions!
6.2. Maintenance schedule
Every six months:
Visual inspection of the power supply leads
Visual inspection of the cable holders and the wiring
Visual inspection of accessories, such as for example
suspension device, lifting devices, etc.
6.3. Maintenance work
Visual inspection of the power supply leads
The power inlet leads must be inspected for bubbles,
cracks, scratches, scour marks and/or crushing zones.
If damages are detected, the damaged power inlet lead
must be replaced immediately.
The leads may only be replaced by the manufacturer
or an authorized/certified service workshop. The ma-
chinery must only be started after appropriate repair
of the damage!
Visual inspection of the cable holders (biners) and the
wiring (traction cable)
If the machine is used in basins/shafts the hoisting wires/
cable holders (biners) and the wiring are subject to con-
stant wear and tear. Regular inspections are required to
prevent a complete wear and tear of the hoisting wires/
cable holders (biners) and/or wiring and a complete dam-
age to the power cable.
The hoisting wires/cable holders (biners) and the wir-
ing must be replaced immediately if there are slight
signs of tear and wear!
Visual inspection of accessories
The accessories, such as for example suspension devic-
es, lifting devices, etc. must be checked for correct fitting.
Loose or defective accessories must be repaired/replaced
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